Recent content by Morgan7782

  1. Morgan7782

    Morgan7782s Page

    My name is Kalie, and I am a country girl stuck in the city! Sacramento is not too bad though, it had a nice mixture of city and country. I am originally from Alameda and had our first chickens there when I was about 4, but being a kid I am sure I tortured the poor hens hehe. I moved to Grass...
  2. Morgan7782

    Mareks disease in a vaccinated hen?

    I lost a year old Easter Egger (feed store ameraucana) to Mareks, she was from Belt, and vaccinated. The vaccine is only like 60-80 percent "workable" excuse the wrong word. There is no cure or treatment for Mareks, I would euthanize her and bring her to a local ag department (STATE) and have...
  3. Morgan7782

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    I just lost a 1 year old Easter Egger hen to Mareks a few weeks ago. She was from Belt Hatchery, and was indeed vaccinated. She had come to point of lay at 11 months-12 months old, and that's when the Mareks hit her. I had her body necropsied at UC Davis and the results came back as such. So the...
  4. Morgan7782

    I need your good thoughts/prayers..

    Thank you all for your thoughts, they mean a lot. I am in the process of selling nearly every posession of mine in order to make SOME kind of payment on a 1400 dollar ticket that I got recently,I am doing any kind of payment so I don't lose my truck. The ticket wasn't anything serious, but it...
  5. Morgan7782

    I need your good thoughts/prayers..

    I am sorry if this is selfish, but I need help, even if it is just some stranger halfway around the country keeping a good thought or prayer in mind for me. I am having a very hard time, and I know I am not the only one. Which is why I feel selfish about writing this, but ya know what? This is...
  6. Morgan7782

    # of chickens for this space?

    My chickens are SO spoiled LOL. 4 LF hens in an 8x8 coop and each morning at 6:30am they are YELLING to get out lol!! I was told I could fit 15 or 16 I think with the free ranging. My girls are not aware of this fact hehe
  7. Morgan7782

    Does this little pullet have a cold? Or could it be something worse?

    I would do a water + bleach wash on ALL feeders and waterers, and I would keep her away from the flock. How awful poor girl I am sorry that guys problem got put onto you.. I have no advice for the girl, but definately offering massive from CA
  8. Morgan7782

    Brahma or Cochin?

    Cochin.. My guess because of the comb, looks straight comb right?
  9. Morgan7782

    Growing Up...PICTURES as they grow from chicks to hens and roos

    Butternut, splash wyandotte, about 10-12 weeks here I think. She was my ugly duckling but she grew up to be BEAUTIFUL. She passed away this winter RIP Most recent (before she died) Munk (Easter Egger) and Joon (Barred Rock) Little older Ugly Stage LOL Growing up NOW Joon: Munk:
  10. Morgan7782

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    This is Sulo when he was at his new home He is a big flock leader boy now lol. I think he was... Shoot not sure how old here.
  11. Morgan7782

    My favorite feed store - Chicks!

    Bradshaw Feed ROCKS. Linda told me about it when I was first getting my chooks Munk and Joon, about a year ago. I LOVE how they keep the chicks, and the employees are very helpful and nice to talk to That new setup is SLAMMIN' though! HHandBasket and I went in the FIRST day they got their...
  12. Morgan7782

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Yep Chris's post pointed out my mistake in the title! I realized people would think I was asking for help. So I rephrased it. Sorry Chris I hadn't meant to sound rude if I did in my correction post
  13. Morgan7782

    Chicks! (EE and DorkingX) 3 weeks old *new pics!*

    Easter Eggers are known to be hard to tell the gender early on. It should become real clear once they hit 5-7 weeks old
  14. Morgan7782

    Chicks! (EE and DorkingX) 3 weeks old *new pics!*

    EE number 3 taking wild guess is a cockerel just a guess. The third EE picture down. That's all I can guess heh they are cute though!
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