Recent content by Moricha

  1. Moricha

    Sprained leg? Ankle issues?

    Wow! Thank you for such a thorough response. So happy to hear you had a positive outcome for your chicken and hear what worked for you! I’ve been considering using an epsom salt bath for treatment, thinking it may be a good idea since her injury is also presenting as a sprain. Definitely going...
  2. Moricha

    Chicken possibly injured, breathing heavily. Injury or possible gape worm? Please help, any ideas welcome.

    Fed her a half a baby aspirin, tiny dose of nutridrench, and some electrolyte powder mixed with water. She is eating and drinking and seems pretty content, just not standing. If anything I think she is enjoying the luxury of being in a place with AC lol. Tomorrow I’m going to clean out her...
  3. Moricha

    Sprained leg? Ankle issues?

    Hi Cade! This is sounding pretty similar to an injury my chicken is experiencing right now. Do you mind sharing an update or outcome for your hen? Did you end up splinting or going with any particular treatment?
  4. Moricha

    Chicken possibly injured, breathing heavily. Injury or possible gape worm? Please help, any ideas welcome.

    Thank you for your reply! I’m about to head out to get electrolyte solution for her. She is still lame/limp, but has made a few attempts to stand for short periods of time. I found her like this maybe 5 hours ago and I am keeping her inside to monitor her condition until I can see improvement...
  5. Moricha

    Chicken possibly injured, breathing heavily. Injury or possible gape worm? Please help, any ideas welcome.

    I’ll give it a shot. It’s only been getting hotter (and more humid) here lately. Will try this and update later.
  6. Moricha

    Chicken possibly injured, breathing heavily. Injury or possible gape worm? Please help, any ideas welcome.

    Hello all, One of my girls has either gotten injured or come down with something- or both. EDIT: Video link of panting: Penny is (I believe) a 3 month old hen and her breed is… to be honest, I’m not sure. I was only told she is an olive egger and I have had for for a month now. She is not...
  7. Moricha

    Interior Coop Lighting

    Hello all, I hope this is the right forum section. I recently moved my girls into a new coop! It's great, better than the one before. However, the one before had 2 windows that let light in, and the new one does not. This is no problem, however, I find my girls are having a hard time finding...
  8. Moricha

    Medicated feed for Adult Chickens (1.5 yrs) (Corrected)

    Thank you! And how interesting about the crumbles, I noticed they seem to like that more than the pellets. Might be time to switch over since they seem to have a preference now.
  9. Moricha

    Medicated feed for Adult Chickens (1.5 yrs) (Corrected)

    Great question! Actually, I just checked the packaging of the product I was using that whole time-- It's not even medicated! I must have been confusing the packaging. How embarrassing. But this is what I was using.
  10. Moricha

    Medicated feed for Adult Chickens (1.5 yrs) (Corrected)

    Hello! I had been feeding my girls Purina Medicated Pellet feed for the past year and medicated crumbles for chicks when they were little. I recently noticed they hadn't been eating the Purina pellets at all, and they would eat anything rather than their feed. I switched to a small bag of Dumor...
  11. Moricha

    Chickens Sick- 2 died, 1 very ill. Lethargic, not eating. Help!

    Update to this thread for anyone who may have been in this situation and would like a "long-term" update for peace of mind! Shortly after giving my girls their new medicine and continuing Corid, they all seemed much more energetic. Target, my biggest concern, slowly began eating again. She was...
  12. Moricha

    Chickens Sick- 2 died, 1 very ill. Lethargic, not eating. Help!

    THREAD UPDATE: I saw a vet and got a fecal float done: COCCI CONFIRMED. I shouldn't be happy, but I am so happy to have a proper diagnosis. She prescribed me Albon 5% solution to be administered once every 24 hours to my whole flock as they do not have Sulfa that can be mixed into water(powder.)...
  13. Moricha

    Chickens Sick- 2 died, 1 very ill. Lethargic, not eating. Help!

    I checked on them this morning. All of them came down from the roost on their own! 6 of the 7 seem energetic, looking for bugs, eating food, drinking, and being normal. Their crops were normal. My barred rock, Target, is still mushy in the crop and drinking water. She's moving around the run...
  14. Moricha

    Chickens Sick- 2 died, 1 very ill. Lethargic, not eating. Help!

    Thank you, checking on the girls now. They haven't laid lately, but it recently got quite cold and around this time last year they slowed egg production much like they are now, so I didn't think much of it. I'll be calling my vet today to see about a fecal float for worms. I can't thank you...
  15. Moricha

    Chickens Sick- 2 died, 1 very ill. Lethargic, not eating. Help!

    What's so strange is I felt in my heart I had to do it tonight-- there was this nagging urge that said "DO IT TONIGHT!" and then your message popped up. I mixed up and dosed her just now as soon as you sent it. I agreed. Thank you for the push :D
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