Recent content by mosier

  1. mosier

    Hello, from Wisconsin

    Welcome WisconsinGardenChick. Are you coming to the Mad City Chicken Coop Tour Today? Hope to see you there (and at the evening movie). Here are the details: TODAY! The MadCity Chicken Coop Tour is a great event for both the curious and the serious to learn more about backyard chickens...
  2. mosier

    Free Coop Tour & Movie: This Saturday! 8/15, Madison, Wisconsin

    If you happen to be in the Madison, Wisconsin area this weekend you are invited to a FREE coop tour! This Saturday, 8/15. The MadCity Chicken Coop Tour is a great event for both the curious and the serious to learn more about backyard chickens. This is a self-guided tour of coops throughout...
  3. mosier

    Free Coop Tour & Movie: This Saturday 8/15, Madison, WI

    Building your coop and need some inspiration? Interested in touring other coops? If you happen to be in the Madison, Wisconsin area this weekend you are invited to a FREE coop tour! This Saturday, 8/15. The MadCity Chicken Coop Tour is a great event for both the curious and the serious to...
  4. mosier

    Egg Bound? Or Something Else?

    The vet school charges $81 just for the initial visit (and then probably substantially more for a radiography) the vet isn't an option. She might have to be put down soon. I have a large run (14x14 or so) in addition to the coop and under the coop that they have access to. When I'm home...
  5. mosier

    Egg Bound? Or Something Else?

    She's still not doing well. I isolated her last night. She is still eating and drinking fine, and her droppings look normal. She is still a big puffball and waddles when she walks. Here is a snippet of an email I recieved yesterday from our local poultry extension specialist. I think it has...
  6. mosier

    Egg Bound? Or Something Else?

    I don't believe she has lice. I am going to seperate her tonight and check her droppings, if she has any.
  7. mosier

    Egg Bound? Or Something Else?

    sebright guy/Jonathan - How long was your chicken sick before she passed the egg? I'm hoping this is the case with Penny too, but it's been so many days now that I'm worried she might not pass it at all (assuming that's even the problem).
  8. mosier

    Egg Bound? Or Something Else?

    Dog crates are a great idea. I actually have a wire (rabbit-type) crate that would work, but I loaned it to a friend a while back and I'm not sure if she'll be able to return it by this evening. If not, I will just put her in our mudroom with a cardboard fence around her.
  9. mosier

    Egg Bound? Or Something Else?

    She was eating/drinking as far as I can tell up til yesterday. This morning before work I saw her eating, but I'm not sure if she's drinking anymore....I assume so though. I will seperate her tonight if I can find a safe spot to put her. She is still on layer feed because that's the only feed...
  10. mosier

    Egg Bound? Or Something Else?

    I checked her vent for an egg but didn't feel anything hard. I did put KY Jelly on and around her vent. She's still looking horrible.
  11. mosier

    Egg Bound? Or Something Else?

    Thanks for the reply Mahonri. I haven't physically checked her vent or lubed her up, although I did read that those were options. I very lightly felt her bloated stomach and it didn't feel hard...only smooshy. I didn't feel an egg in there, but didn't palpate very hard. I'm worried that the...
  12. mosier

    Egg Bound? Or Something Else?

    My 2-year-old Rhode Island Red hen is not doing well. On Saturday I noticed that she looked a little "puffy" with her feathers puffed out a bit more than normal. She also had a swollen tummy and seemed not as alert as normal. On Sunday it was more of the same, and today she is even more...
  13. mosier

    recycle, reuse and rescue!

    Quote: My fence is only about 4 feet high and the chickens have never left the yard. I think it helped that we kept them in the main coop and outdoor run (which is about 3.5 feet hight) with bird netting over the top. By the time they were old enough to explore on their own they were trained...
  14. mosier

    Apple bin coop!

    apple bins sound like a great idea! make sure to post photos if you do create a brooder/coop. i'd love to see them.
  15. mosier

    Using Leaves for the Outdoor Run?

    Hi all. Can anyone give me advice on if leaves are OK to use for bedding on the ground in an OUTDOOR uncovered run? I have boatloads of leaves (mostly oak & walnut) in my yard that would be lovely to place in the run. However, I am worried about mold. Does anyone have experience with using...
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