Recent content by MoTownChickie

  1. MoTownChickie

    When you step on one of your adult chickens do you get mad or sad?

    Sad, mainly because a chicken tripped me once and caused me to fall onto my favorite chick, a black polish. Me landing on a 2 month old chick broke her, and I had to cull her afterwards. I'm used to milling, tripping cats so I'm still not sure how the offending roo managed to make me...
  2. MoTownChickie

    101 reasons we love ducks

    50. They will eat half dollar sized snails if you crunch the shell. (adding to # 23) Where I live, we have the huge snails used in escargo all over the place. When it rains I can go outside and pick up dozens from the sidewalk as treats for my duck. Crunch 'em up, and she will eat it all...
  3. MoTownChickie


    High Roost Ranch- Does Sir Fuzz have really silky feathers? He looks so handsome! Now I need to get some pics of my 3 Sermas. They are nothing special, compared to some of those on this thread, but I adore them. I'm hoping to have the chance of hatching more eggs next year. I have a...
  4. MoTownChickie

    Needing some serious coop advice!! Updated with PICS!! :)

    Also on Craigslist search under 'playhouse'. Some of the ones I've seen lately around here would easily convert to a coop - just add roosts- and cost much less than $1000! There was one on our local list a couple of weeks ago that easily would have housed a dozen hens. It was very nice looking...
  5. MoTownChickie

    12+ bantam frizzle Cochin eggs - $25 shipped

    I'm confused. What does the fact that you are a spaz have to do with the price of eggs??? *wink* Glad somebody is going to hatch these out. They really are darling and when they are chickies, they are so cute that I found myself kissing and baby talking to them.
  6. MoTownChickie

    12+ bantam frizzle Cochin eggs - $25 shipped

    You are EVIL. You sly temptress - trying to get me to buy more with your photographs. I have 3 cochin frizzle pullets and one roo who needs to be rehomed, but none as striking as your birds. I want more! More I say! *insert evil laugh* Thank goddess that my roos ate my incubator so I...
  7. MoTownChickie

    Fall veggie garden's

    Okay, gotta ask. Where in California are you located? I've never heard of Siberian Tomatoes before, but now I'm intrigued. Guess I need to start looking through my seeds and starting my fall crops too!
  8. MoTownChickie

    Random pics of some of our chickens

    All of your birds are beautiful, but your Lavenders are particularly lovely. Now I'm thinking I may need to get one next year!
  9. MoTownChickie

    How much should a frizzle cost?

    That seems like an awful lot. What kind of frizzle is it? If you were local, I'd give you a pretty cochin frizzle roo so you could start breeding your own.
  10. MoTownChickie

    Ed Harris Redmond man shoots dog attacking chickens remember me????

    One can just hope that Karma will kick in sometime soon. **edited to remove inappropriate comments** I also hope that someone else is calling him on his stuff. If he tried to tell me the sob story of his dog, I'd straight out tell him it was his fault and that he was an idiot to have let his...
  11. MoTownChickie

    Ed Harris Redmond man shoots dog attacking chickens remember me????

    What a bunch of BS. Of course, the idiot owner is engaging in the American pastime of "blame somebody else (BSE). Things don't go your way? BSE You fell down because you weren't paying attention? BSE You burnt yourself of hot coffee you purchased from a McDonalds? BSE etc. etc. etc. I'm...
  12. MoTownChickie

    BYC In The News:

    Woo Hoo. BYC is getting tons of great press these days. I'm hoping for a time when most people keep a few chooks of their own - and my neighbors stop thinking of me as a crazy person for doing so.
  13. MoTownChickie

    catawba coop ramp

    Aaron K- What exactly is that type of coop? I think it is kinda a modular type but I'm not positive. Time to google. Do you have plans that you would be willing to share?
  14. MoTownChickie

    Vote BYC! More Exposure For Raising Chickens & BYC

    I voted and will keep on doing so daily. Although hearing that BYC is 'on fire' makes me think of BBQ. Then again, I am very odd.
  15. MoTownChickie

    HELP! Aagggh I opened an egg Mama had abandoned but it's still alive!!

    I'm sorry he didn't make it. At least you did the best you could and I commend you for that. RIP, little Heinz.
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