Recent content by mountain chicken

  1. mountain chicken

    Help! Mama eating babies. No incubator.

    get a therm o at the dollar store
  2. mountain chicken

    What is this creature?!?!

    with a stance like that id aim towards roosters
  3. mountain chicken

    Why should backyard chickens be allowed in residential neighborhoods?

    why most residential areas don't need to be raising any type of livestock in most residential households both spouses work to make ends meet. now people these days complain they don't have time to clean house due to working long hours . now they want lets just say any livestock , the...
  4. mountain chicken

    "only as household pets" in Upper Chichester, PA

    :eek: $500. a permit is like $50. sure hope you didn't pay that
  5. mountain chicken

    Getting them to drink from nipple waterer

    mine took to it as soon as I hooked it up I mounted mine about 12 inch off the ground they love it
  6. mountain chicken

    Shredded Cedar Bedding?

    I use it in the run it's well ventilated than cover with a light sprinkle of hay it's for great keeping flies down
  7. mountain chicken

    What could this be?

    are you talking about this looks like a stick impaled
  8. mountain chicken

    My bird can hear other birds outside

    when I was a kid I had a parakeet I spent so much time with him training him to do many tricks , I never once clipped his wings , he sat on my shoulder while I rode my bike he listened to every command . my friend invited me swimming , not thinking I told my little buddy to go home , he never...
  9. mountain chicken

    Help with roof and ventilation

    those plastic roof panels are not going to last long between snow load , tropical/hurricane storms , hail , and from the sun beating on it. I don;t know if you can see it I used a plywood roof excuse the mess Im undergoing a major clean up
  10. mountain chicken

    Help with roof and ventilation

    I'm still waiting on my windows habitat promised it by weds
  11. mountain chicken

    Help with roof and ventilation

    I basically built the same coop as you so it looks Only difference I brought the coop to the ground , as for that open top I use it for storage . I have bathroom exhaust fans coming out the bottom you can see grills by there mirror those are out takes . I also have 2 exhaust fans on upper shelf...
  12. mountain chicken

    Should i add a rooster advise needed.

    I have mt lion , bear , and just about anything you can dream up elect fence works just fine
  13. mountain chicken


    nice looking bird
  14. mountain chicken

    Chick gaping after drinking water

    if it's a bowl type they stick beak in most likely submerging nostrils I use the nipple type to avoid that
  15. mountain chicken

    What should I build my coop out of?

    2x3 and 7/16 osb is just fine than paint it
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