Recent content by Mpracey

  1. Mpracey

    Only one hatched

    Thanks, I spoke to a local breeder and she gave me some advice for next batch. It's so heartbreaking to see such a sweet little baby die.
  2. Mpracey

    Only one hatched

    Baby died this am. So sad. Thanks for advice.
  3. Mpracey

    Only one hatched

    Thanks for advice. I'm gonna try tomorrow its gonna be warm. The baby can go in and our from under one of those brinsea eco glow chick brooder so probably ok temp. I found a cat toy with feathers so I put it in with baby. Hen isn't broody she just lays eggs and leaves them. And she is a...
  4. Mpracey

    Silkie thread!

    Wow those are some beautiful Silkies. How do you'll get such nice pictures? Mine always are moving !!. I have a rooster that is part black, tan, with white tip wings and an iridescent tail feathers ( like my Mallards). He is an odd color but beautiful.
  5. Mpracey

    Only one hatched

    I had some eggs in incubator and only one hatched. The poor little thing peeps all the time while awake. It's eating and drinking. When I pick it up and hold it and it settles down. I think it's lonely. I was planning on giving it to the hen. How old should it be before I try. It is 2 days old...
  6. Mpracey

    Comment by 'Mpracey' in article 'Pictures Of Chicken Nesting Boxes - How To Build A Nest Box'

    One of my Roosters - the guy in pic- likes to sleep in the nest box. I caught him on an egg one morning. He likes to snuzzle in the hey! So, I had to make extra box for him.
  7. Mpracey

    How much does a vet cost i need one

    i took my silkie yesterday with some sort of skin disorder - Vet don't know for sure- cost $44. You should call for a price first.
  8. Mpracey


    Hey I got a question about the Frontline you use. Is it the monthly drops for dogs/cats?
  9. Mpracey

    Comment by 'Mpracey' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    a couple of more toxic foods - the vet told me to stay away from Parsley & avocado both are toxic to chickens.
  10. Mpracey

    Do mallards need separate floating pond nest?

    Thanks that's what I thought - one nest per hen.=)
  11. Mpracey

    Do mallards need separate floating pond nest?

    I'm planning on getting floating Mallard nest for the pond. Last spring the ducks layed eggs in my flower beds. So, this year hopefully the pond nest will be used. But, do I need one nest per hen?
  12. Mpracey

    What to do about a hen's clumped back end?

    I had a similar problem- poop got caught up on my Silkies bottom. I used a warm disposable wash cloth- dampen with water and mineral oil- it helped to soften the poop ( which got rock hard!) and it came right off. Good luck!
  13. Mpracey

    Silkies skin flakey & peeling

    Ok problem is from dry skin- rec to spritz with water to add moisture . Also vet don't rec using frontline due to possible adverse effects . Thanks for all advice
  14. Mpracey

    Silkies skin flakey & peeling

    Thanks bama silkies for the FYI about frontline. I m going talk to a vet I found @ Lsu - I got a list of questions to ask & I'll let u know what he says about these type of products. Have you ever experienced peeling skin on your silkies? Tks Mona
  15. Mpracey

    Silkies skin flakey & peeling

    I cover his coup every night -He is 7 months and is alone right now ( just lost his friend to a dog attack ) -so a few weeks ago I got 4 other silkies that are younger - 3-5months - I'm in process of socializing right now.
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