Recent content by mrheinz77

  1. mrheinz77

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Just some pictures of my new birds. Black Langshan Cockerel RC RIR Cockerel. Not the best picture 9 RC RIR chicks
  2. mrheinz77

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    It was about 90 miles one way. It is worth it for good birds. I'll post pictures later.
  3. mrheinz77

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I went to McConnell, IL just north of Freport. The breeder is Floyd Stees. I found him on
  4. mrheinz77

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I made it back from my adventure yesterday with a Rose Comb Rhode Island Red cockerel and a Black Langshan cockerel. I decided to take 9 RIR chicks as well. I was talking to the breeder and said my next adventure was finding eggs to hatch at my school and he went into his breeding pens and...
  5. mrheinz77

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Sorry about the start Jiminwisc. At least we know the ole ticker is working. Hahaha I'm heading to pick up my Underwood RIR cockerel and Langshan cockerel today. I may get some chicks while I'm there. I need to make the long drive worth it, don't I?
  6. mrheinz77

    Hi Debi. Great looking Langshans

    Hi Debi. Great looking Langshans
  7. mrheinz77

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi all, I'm Jim. I returned home to Wind Lake after being in Iowa for eighteen years. I've been a member of BYC for a while but took a break from it for a time. In Iowa, I had a lot of breeds that I shipped hatching eggs all over from. I've seen some names that I recognized shipping to. I...
  8. mrheinz77

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I was selling and showing Underwood Rhode Island Reds. Due to life issues, I needed to cut way back on my poultry and I have since moved for a new job. I still have two of my Underwood hens but lost my cock a year ago. I am searching for a cockerel and maybe a few pulleys/hens. I love my...
  9. mrheinz77

    The Front Porch Swing

    No. I moved by my parents and could only bring about 15 chickens with me. I did bring my two hens but have lost them. The winter before I moved was a rough winter on the boys. I lost most of the males of all my flocks that winter. I am hoping to slowly increase my flock and Icelandics were...
  10. mrheinz77

    The Front Porch Swing

    Hi Mary
  11. mrheinz77

    Hi Laurie. I hope all is well.

    Hi Laurie. I hope all is well.
  12. mrheinz77

    The Front Porch Swing

    Hi. Just seeing if any of my old friends are still around.
  13. mrheinz77

    Large Fowl Cochin Thread

    My opinion is at least 8 months. I have a black cockerel that is 15 months that is finally starting to look nice. He looked nice at a younger age but always appeared small. He isn't like Bo's boys but a step in the right direction. I need to get pictures of him. Maybe this weekend when I put my...
  14. mrheinz77

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    This is the sire of the Rose Comb Reds that Jimmy has been showing pictures. I need to get pictures of the rest. This picture is not the best quality. It was taken with my cell phone. My camera is MIA.
  15. mrheinz77

    Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

    I had one SP and 2 B eggs. One of the B eggs is developing. My thought is that we focus on the Silver Pencil and Birchen varieties but not to throw the baby out with the bath water. For the APA we need to focus on the two but there shouldn't be a problem with anybody working on the side...
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