Recent content by MRichmond

  1. MRichmond

    Why external nesting boxes?

    My nesting boxes are inside, but raised off of the floor by 18-20”, so there is still room underneath. My coop is walk-in, but I can gather eggs by just opening the door and reaching into the boxes if I don’t have my coop shoes on.
  2. MRichmond

    Mixed Flock of 8 Pullets need a new home

    Carolyn, It sounds like you have a great place for them. I’m happy about that. We have another egg layer. Towanda, the Buff Brahma, has laid 2 lightly-speckled brown eggs, one today and one yesterday. I thought it would happen soon. It just wasn’t right for Daisy to do all the work, LOL! I...
  3. MRichmond

    Anyone have experience with automatic coop doors?

    I have the Ador1, too, and really like it. The girls no longer have to wait for me to get out there to go out and I don’t have to worry about them if I’m away from home in the evening. I have it set for early opening/late closing. It will also open a few minutes after it closes and stay open for...
  4. MRichmond

    Mixed Flock of 8 Pullets need a new home

    Carolyn, Your coop looks cute. Out of curiosity, what size is it? They’re currently in a 6x6 coop with a 10x10 run. I put so much work into it...I guess I’ll have to sell it.😢 We had planned to fence in part of the yard so they had free range area, but hadn’t gotten to it before the cold...
  5. MRichmond

    Mixed Flock of 8 Pullets need a new home

    If you have a coop and run and could give them a good home, I’d be willing to meet you half way. I think Breezewood is about halfway between us. We have a little time because our house won’t be going on the market until early spring. Let me know what you think.
  6. MRichmond

    Mixed Flock of 8 Pullets need a new home

    Yes, it really does. I’ve really enjoyed them. We’re lucky that we own our old house outright, so we can move back in, but it’s in town and has a very small yard. 5 days before we found out, we picked up 2 standard poodle pups so it should be interesting with the rest of our menagerie. I sure...
  7. MRichmond

    Mixed Flock of 8 Pullets need a new home

    I’m in Western PA about 10 minutes west of the Pittsburgh International Airport. Where are you?
  8. MRichmond

    Mixed Flock of 8 Pullets need a new home

    Thank you very much! ❤️
  9. MRichmond

    Mixed Flock of 8 Pullets need a new home

    It really pains me to have to do this, but due to unforeseen events, we find we must downsize within the next couple of months, so I need to find homes for our girls. I really hate to do this, but the town we’re moving back to doesn’t allow chickens at all. We have one that started laying, but...
  10. MRichmond

    Chickens swallowed keys HELP!!

    I’m terrible with keys, so tied the coop key to the coop door, so I don’t have to search for it. This works pretty well, as long as the raccoons don’t get too smart.
  11. MRichmond

    First eggs!

    These girls all hatched in June, so they’re 28 & 29 weeks old. Their run is covered by a dark tarp, so they probably need more light. I’m going to wait until spring to tackle least it’s warm and dry.
  12. MRichmond

    First eggs!

    :D:D Daisy, our Dark Cornish is the first of our flock of 8 to lay eggs. She must have laid one yesterday as there was a cold one in the nesting box. I imagine it froze overnight, since it was 24 when we got up. I know it’s not a huge deal, but I half expected them not to lay until spring. Large...
  13. MRichmond

    The Cat Chat Thread

    I love torties! I had one when I was a kid named BC for burned cookie. The names kids come up with, huh?
  14. MRichmond

    The Cat Chat Thread

    You’re a braver soul than me!
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