Recent content by MrsBrooke

  1. MrsBrooke

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread For your consideration regarding this viral outbreak. MrsB
  2. MrsBrooke

    Persistent Prolapsed Vent

    Have you read anything on vent gleet yet? The gooey whitish substance could be that. MrsB
  3. MrsBrooke

    POOF. <3

    POOF. <3
  4. MrsBrooke

    Hen suddenly died- Could someone help me figure out what it possibly could have been from?

    I've always heard that it's not necessarily EYP itself that is contagious, but the strain of e.Coli that results from it can spread as the underlying issues can be present in multiple hens... It's highly advisable to scour your waterers and feeders where that chicken may have had contact. Your...
  5. MrsBrooke

    Great Depression of 2016

    Oh, and the tax for not having insurance is increasing to $750. The gubmint is raking in RECORD sums of taxes each month. Bleeding us dry!! MrsB
  6. MrsBrooke

    Great Depression of 2016

    I'll be interested to see exactly what "repeal and replace" means. And I'm still waiting to see if Trump is *actually* going to do what he said he was going to do. I just can't jump for joy yet... but I *am* happy that Russia and China downgraded their DEFCON status. We were planning on a...
  7. MrsBrooke

    Hen suddenly died- Could someone help me figure out what it possibly could have been from?

    I am very sorry for your loss. It does sound like complications due to egg binding, as @PeepersMama mentioned. If she was also internally laying, she could have come down with Egg Yolk Peritonitis, which is caused by e.Coli. EYP is contagious. If you lose another one suddenly, I would...
  8. MrsBrooke

    Great Depression of 2016

    ... Intense. MrsB
  9. MrsBrooke

    Great Depression of 2016

    I was told there would be hot showers? MrsB
  10. MrsBrooke

    Urgent please help... Not sure if I should euthanize and it's killing me

    I am very sorry for your loss. You did a great job loving her up to the very end. <3 MrsB
  11. MrsBrooke

    Great Depression of 2016

  12. MrsBrooke

    Great Depression of 2016

    I keep reminding my super-excited coworkers that it ain't Jan. 20 yet. I'm still holding my breath. MrsB
  13. MrsBrooke

    Great Depression of 2016

    You mean they're going to provide housing for "you people?" MrsB
  14. MrsBrooke

    Sponsored Post Free Sample of Zyfend® A! – comment with photo of your chickens!

    Just over here, like, . Loving the pics, everyone! MrsB
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