Recent content by mrsmistoffelees02

  1. mrsmistoffelees02

    Broken Leg? Please Help!

    What would you recommend I do for her? After you mentioned it, I do think this is more like a pressure sore. I looked into making a sling for her, but I’ve heard mixed thoughts on whether or not that would be necessary for a case like this (and I know they require constant supervision in a...
  2. mrsmistoffelees02

    Broken Leg? Please Help!

    Hi everyone, I noticed my one year old hen limping and breathing heavy two days ago, she would take a few steps and then sit down. Still has an appetite though. Upon noticing this I isolated her in a crate and gave electrolytes in her water for a boost. I had to go on an overnight trip and...
  3. mrsmistoffelees02

    Injured Rooster - Tunnel Wound

    @Wyorp Rock Yes, this is the same injury I posted about several weeks ago. I was advised not to soak the wound daily on the Facebook Vet Corner so it could dry out - However, I’ll start treating daily now because clearly leaving it wasn’t the best course of action. I was really hoping to avoid...
  4. mrsmistoffelees02

    Injured Rooster - Tunnel Wound

    Hi everyone. Back in June, while I was out of town and a petsitter was watching my flock, my petsitter told me my rooster’s tail was bleeding a little. He sent me a picture and I wasn’t too concerned, but a couple days later when I got back it was scabbed over and severely inflamed to the...
  5. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    Thanks, I did this! Didn’t remove the scab completely but I did clean it up tremendously.
  6. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    No maggots, I’ve been very vigilant about watching for that because I know he’s at risk for fly strike. Right now I have his nub covered in neosporin, bandaged up with vet tape and nonstick gauze - it does seem to be healing, slowly but surely. I’m hopeful it’s not a tumor, but can’t rule it out...
  7. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    Will do. I had hoped since it wasn’t red and bloody it wasn’t at risk of pecking, but I don’t want to take any chances. I used a sanitized toothbrush last night for debriding, will use a cloth today and see if that helps. The scab is so thick, I wondered about using a sanitized Exacto knife to...
  8. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    Here are right, top, and side views of the wound after soaking/compressing for 15 minutes total and removing excess scab gently with tweezer - did bleed a tiny bit, but scab is loosening. Just trying to get to what’s underneath so I can flush it. 😓 Started with epsom salt, hydrogen peroxide...
  9. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    Thanks so much. I’ll go the neosporin route and will pick up hibiclens after work. Could you elaborate on how I should go about flushing it? Is it as simple as rinsing with tap water, or should I get a douche and use saline? When I get home, I’m planning to start with an epsom salt soak for a...
  10. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    I’ll do that when I get home - I have Epsom salts on hand, do you think Hibiclens would be a more effective option? Also, would you recommend Simply Neosporin or Vetericyn for a topical antibiotic? Definitely keeping cancer as a possibility in the back of my mind. I’ll give hydrogen peroxide a...
  11. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    Thanks for your input! 💜 I had that thought too but I’ve heard hydrogen peroxide can inhibit healing and kill healthy cells. Hoping it’s an infection I can flush out. More hopeful now that it could be a wound instead of a tumor… Wishing for the best and preparing for the worst, thankful for...
  12. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    Thank you. His tail feathers are gone - when I was out of town, my husband told me he was bleeding and it looked like his feathers were plucked out. When I got home and inspected the bleeding is when I found the mass. Do you think I should start him antibiotics? I don’t take antibiotic use...
  13. mrsmistoffelees02

    Is this a tumor? Please help be determine the best course of action for this hot mess.

    Will get more photos ASAP when I get home. These are the tail/mass. Preen gland didn’t look off putting, normal size and color as of yesterday night.
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