Recent content by MsChickenMomma

  1. MsChickenMomma

    Young Cockerels Needing New Home - Arkansas

    I wish we could! But we just don’t have the space for another coop/run.
  2. MsChickenMomma

    Young Cockerels Needing New Home - Arkansas

    I have 7 cockerels, all a little over three weeks old, that I need to find homes for. Three Black Australorps and four Barred Rocks. We got a batch of straight run chicks, and ended up with far more roosters than we need. 12 chicks, and 9 are roosters. Thanks guys! Located in East End...
  3. MsChickenMomma

    6 Hens in need of new home - Michigan

    Hey guys. Sorry for taking so long to get back to this post. I’ve been so busy I just forgot. We were able to make things work, and take our girls with us. Thank you!
  4. MsChickenMomma

    6 Hens in need of new home - Michigan

    Oh, and the two Easter eggers and the Orpington will be five in the spring. The other girls are a year old. Will be two in August.
  5. MsChickenMomma

    6 Hens in need of new home - Michigan

    Hey! Sorry, I forgot to add my location. I am in the lower peninsula. West side.
  6. MsChickenMomma

    6 Hens in need of new home - Michigan

    hey guys, I have six hens in Michigan, in need of a new home asap. I am moving out of state and won’t be able to take them with me. :( They are family pets, but they still lay some eggs. There is one buff orpinton, two Easter eggers, and three Barenevelders. If you are interested, lmk! Thanks
  7. MsChickenMomma

    My hen ate a large object

    Thank you, everyone. Her loss was a shock, and it has been very hard for me. After having her in my house and a part of my life every day for the last four years, it's very lonely and quiet without her goofy self running around. I hope people can learn from this. It breaks my heart, and I...
  8. MsChickenMomma

    My hen ate a large object

    The anesthesia stopped her heart. She's gone... Just thought I'd update you
  9. MsChickenMomma

    My hen ate a large object

    I took Sunni to the vet, and she had to be sedated. The veterinarian spent 45 minutes trying to pull the earring back up her throat, and she said that it was too large. There was just no way for her to get it back up without hurting her. So we scheduled a crop surgery for first thing Monday...
  10. MsChickenMomma

    My hen ate a large object

    I spent two hours trying to massage it back up her I oesophagus last night, and tried several times to get her to vomit. I even gave her some olive oil soaked bread to see if that was enough to at least make something happen... but no luck. Luckily the avian vets office close to my home is...
  11. MsChickenMomma

    My hen ate a large object

    Thank you for your reply. I tried massaging it out, but once it reaches a certain point just above the crop, I can't get it to move any farther. Is there a trick to it? Thank you again
  12. MsChickenMomma

    My hen ate a large object

    If it helps, this is what she swallowed A little comparison to her. Trying to eat it while I take the picture... -__- I swear she never learns. Lol
  13. MsChickenMomma

    My hen ate a large object

    The earring is still in her crop this morning. Is it possible that it is too large to leave her crop? I'm surprised she even managed to swallow it... What do I do if she can't pass it through her crop?
  14. MsChickenMomma

    My hen ate a large object

    hey everyone, I need to ask this because I need to be sure that she will be fine. I worry. I have a hen that lives in the house with me, and has for years. She's naughty and tries to eat everything. My house is practically baby proofed. Anyways... I have my ears stretched to 16mm. Sunni...
  15. MsChickenMomma

    Lets count to a million

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