Recent content by mudmonkey

  1. mudmonkey

    Chicks hatching in Kindergarten classroom!

    Last month I hatched 13 button quail in my classroom. This month we're hatching out chickens (they started hatching today). I teach Kindergarten - 8th grade. They love it! I'd like to know the answer to this question also.
  2. mudmonkey

    Help Asap: Shrink-Wrapped Chick!!!! Help!!!

    This may be a really dumb question...but, How do you know they are shrink wrapped? Do you remove some of the shell so you can tell? I have a group hatching today and I'm a bit worried about the bator being too dry inside. I've sprayed a bit of water on the walls to up the humidity.
  3. mudmonkey

    First baby long til the others hatch after pipping?

    This morning I had my first chicken egg hatch. It was about 6am All day the other eggs have started to show signs of piping (little broken out areas). How long should it take from the time a chick pips to when it gets out of the egg? Is there a point where it's been too long? I hate this worried...
  4. mudmonkey

    Quail chicks

    Quote: Yes, the 10 buttons I have drain them quickly. I ended up putting a second one in (just glued the bases back to back on the lid). It looks like I'll have to refill it ever couple of days (they are still chicks tho...).
  5. mudmonkey

    Quail chicks

    Quote: I've tried a few things for delivering water to them over the last 10 days. The shavings in the water dish drove me crazy. I tried the rabbit type water bottle but they didn't really go for it. Yesterday I got a watering tube for a bird cage (see image below). I hot glued the base...
  6. mudmonkey

    Incubating Quail -- some questions from a newbie

    I'm a total noob....and I just hatched my first batch of Button Quail, so my solution may not work because your eggs are likely much larger... I took twisted/crunched up paper towels and put them in a shoebox lid. I then nestled the eggs into the little pockets that were formed. Some pockets...
  7. mudmonkey

    only 5 weeks old

    What's a wind egg?
  8. mudmonkey

    Quail chicks

    Mine are 10 days now. I kept them on paper towels for the first 3 days. Then a thick bedding of pine shavings. They are doing great. They do eat some of the shavings some time. Not sure if that's normal or not.
  9. mudmonkey

    Startena Feed - Smaller than 50lb. Bags?

    Quote: That is a great idea!
  10. mudmonkey

    Startena Feed - Smaller than 50lb. Bags?

    I'm in Florida just outside of Tampa. It appears that there's really only one feed store locally that carries I guess that's why they can get 20.00 for it (?). I haven't met anyone else local who raises quail, but perhaps now is the time to start looking. Splitting a bag sounds like a...
  11. mudmonkey

    Startena Feed - Smaller than 50lb. Bags?

    I'm looking for a source of Startena Feed that is smaller than the 50 lb bag. I don't mind spending the twenty bucks to get the bag locally, but I only have 10 button quail and it seems like a huge waste to let all that feed go bad. Has anyone found a source online for smaller quantities of this...
  12. mudmonkey

    Button Quail Owners - Clipping Wings?

    Wow. Well this should be very interesting then. How long should I wait before clipping? I read that they should be able to fly at 10 days.
  13. mudmonkey

    Button Quail Owners - Clipping Wings?

    My first set of Button Quail are coming up on a week old tomorrow. I can see that most of their wings have already developed and a few are trying pretty hard to fly. I've kept lovebirds and cockatiels for some time now and I'm familiar with clipping their wings. I'm wondering if the procedure is...
  14. mudmonkey

    My waterer just sucks!!!!

    Thanks for the info. I'll try to see if it will drip. It would be too ironic if buying the cheaper bottle would have worked better.
  15. mudmonkey

    My waterer just sucks!!!!

    I'm not sure what type of quail you have but I have 1 week old button quail. Unfortunately they don't seem to peck hard enough for the hamster water bottle to work. I just got one and found that they do like to peck it (it's shiny) but nothing happens. I'm not sure if that will be true of...
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