Recent content by Mukchickens

  1. Mukchickens

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    8 out of 18 The easter eggers(4) are molting and haven't got an egg in 2 weeks from them. This is summer time amount.
  2. Mukchickens

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Lately we average 9 out of 18. In the Summer we average 17 out of 18.
  3. 4 blue/green and one pink.
From our 5 Ameraucana Hens.

    4 blue/green and one pink. From our 5 Ameraucana Hens.

  4. Ameraucana Eggs

    Ameraucana Eggs

  5. Record egg day from our 18 Chickens- 15 eggs.

    Record egg day from our 18 Chickens- 15 eggs.

  6. Mukchickens

    Official BYC Poll - Which aspect of keeping chickens do you enjoy the most?

    I love the eggs and the kids on the block come around almost everyday to gather the eggs. But the Chickens help me in the gardens, they eat all the grubs and turn up the soil plus fertilize it. They are also funny too watch. Their personalities are all so different.
  7. Carrie's Coop

    Carrie's Coop

    Carrie's Coop 2013-2014 The Criteria- Had to be better than the neighbors box chicken coop and easy to clean. Could hold 15 chickens. Easy too clean without bending over. Gather the eggs from the outside. Predator proof from Racoon's, Coyotes, Hawks, and Dogs. This...
  8. Ameraucana- Hawkie, will not come by you.

    Ameraucana- Hawkie, will not come by you.

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