Recent content by mullers3acers

  1. mullers3acers

    ducks title

    ha ha I just started raising duck and there was an ad in the newspaper for the breed I wanted and I knew that the males were called drakes but I wasn't sure what female ducks were called.
  2. mullers3acers

    ducks title

    I know that a male duck is called a drake but the female is a hen or another name?
  3. mullers3acers

    ducks title

    I know that a male duck is called a drake but the female is a hen or another name?
  4. mullers3acers

    hard boil fresh eggs?

    yes I have sorry you wasted your money. I boil my eggs like normal but in the water I use 2 to 3 T of kosher salt have had good luck with this.
  5. mullers3acers


    When is the best time to candle after the egg is laid?
  6. mullers3acers

    What are your rooster's names?

    We have two roos and their names are Roy and IDK
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