Recent content by mydaisy

  1. mydaisy

    Guessing game!

    Oh! Well I also have 3 of those from Ideal. They were sold as Blue Cuckoo Marans, but I see no cuckoo pattern on mine, maybe faintly. But anyway, yours is probably some kind of Marans 🥰
  2. mydaisy

    Guessing game!

    Ideal has Blue Australorp or Blue Marans. Possibly one of those. Very pretty!
  3. mydaisy

    Cuckoo Marans or Blue Cuckoo Marans?

    I agree, they are still looking pullet to me.
  4. mydaisy

    Guessing game!

    Maybe Cinnamon Queens? And I agree your barred ones are Cuckoo Marans - I don't think they are French Cuckoo because the legs aren't feathered.
  5. mydaisy

    Please Help me

    Sorry for the loss :( I would get the lone chick a couple little chick friends - they do not do well alone as you can already tell. Don't beat yourself up but learn from this and raise some healthy, thriving chicks! There is a slew of info on this site on what you will need to raise days old...
  6. mydaisy

    Please Help me

    Get rid of the corn and put them on a starter/grower feed. It looks like watery, loose stools around as well. At this point, give it electrolytes along with proper feed and hopefully it perks back up for you! ETA: what are you using for warmth? They should have a heat plate or a heat lamp and...
  7. mydaisy

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    Ya my advice is not really helpful if you are already into the hatching process. Chickens know what to do naturally, just let them be and she will get off when needed, etc. Have you tried candling the eggs to see if they are all good? Are you marking the eggs in case new ones have been laid by...
  8. mydaisy

    Broody hen will not leave the nest

    When I have a broody hen I put her in "broody jail". I have a pen inside the run that I put her in during the day so she can't go sit in the nest box. I leave nothing in there but food and water, but it works in about 3 days. Of course I do not leave her in at night, she roosts with the others...
  9. mydaisy

    Mcmurray Suprise Chick. What we thinking??

    Just going off the green legs and coloring, I agree it looks like an Easter Egger. Also, your Ameraucanas are also known as Easter Eggers. Hatcheries like to sell EEs under that name. Very cute little chicks!! Post pics when your mystery grows out a little :)
  10. mydaisy

    All girls? 7-8 wk old Marans, SLW, Barnevelder, Crevecoeur

    Yes, I was obsessed a couple of years ago when I had my first two Barnevelders. One was the typical pullet coloring and the other had a black chest and her lacing just looked all uneven like a male. I even posted here on this forum about it lol. Every day was a roller coaster because I would...
  11. mydaisy

    All girls? 7-8 wk old Marans, SLW, Barnevelder, Crevecoeur

    They all look like pullets to me, but had to chime in on your Barnevelder. I also had one with a black chest and it scared me to death for a few weeks trying to figure her out lol. She turned out to be one of my most beautiful barnie girls ever. Yours definitely looks like a pullet, too.
  12. mydaisy

    Golden Cuckoo Marans rooster over a Silver Cuckoo Marans Hen

    Thank you. They are 3 weeks old now and they all look like regular cuckoo marans as far as color. The known males that I have look lighter for sure, but I also have a suspected male that is darker in color. Time will tell. Thanks again!
  13. mydaisy

    Cuckoo Marans or Blue Cuckoo Marans?

    No she really didn’t, nor did my other one - just a light lacing. They both had light feathered feet, but the feathers fell out and never grew back lol.
  14. mydaisy

    Cuckoo Marans or Blue Cuckoo Marans?

    ah, yes I can see what you mean there. I guess mine has light barring, but it always just looked like lacing to me. Here is one of them last year, the lighting is not good but it’s the best I have right now.
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