Recent content by myhubbycallsmechickeemama

  1. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    This is what I use for my layers and my meat birds. My hubby made them out of PVC pipe and they work perfectly. ETA: He has actually made a bar going down the middle that seems to keep the meat birds from getting into it. The hens...they think it's a roost bar after they have had their...
  2. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Where to get cheap hardware cloth?

    I bought all of my hardware cloth at Lowe's. Best price I found locally for the smaller quantity that I needed. I think it was like 3' x 10' ??? for about $17.00.
  3. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    So confused about keeping coop warm? Lots of great information can be found here regarding this subject!! :)
  4. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Can chickens stand the cold weather?

    If you search JackE you will see pictures of his Wood's style open air coop. Mine is very similar to that only on a larger scale. My coop is about 16' x 16'. I will take pictures of it tomorrow and post here for you to see. We just finished it so the siding and trim are not completely...
  5. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Can chickens stand the cold weather?

    I have a Wood's style open air coop with no supplemental heat and we have been getting in the negative double digits for the last couple of weeks. My girls are just fine and even still laying. Lots of ventilation without drafts and they can withstand some pretty extreme temps!! :)
  6. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Ended Tell Us Your Funniest Chicken Story to Win Six Bags of Feed from Nutrena!

    My funniest chicken story actually involves my oldest granddaughter and our meatbirds. We had been butchering meatbirds all day, we were getting down to the end of them and they were getting harder to catch in the pen. My son was having one of his daughters go around the back and scare them to...
  7. myhubbycallsmechickeemama


    I have been trying to use Google Chrome but obviously I have forgotten my password. I have requested it several times but I never get the email on how to reset it??? I'm assuming that the problem is on my end because all of the sudden nothing in Firefox is formatted. I even tried deleting...
  8. myhubbycallsmechickeemama


    It is only happening on this site. I just put my URL ( into my computer and it took me to nextag??? Kind of frustrating. :/ I did a complete scan on my computer and everything is clean so I have no idea what is going on.
  9. myhubbycallsmechickeemama


    Is MicroTrend "solid" enough??
  10. myhubbycallsmechickeemama


    Okay, it just happened again and all I did was click on my username in the upper right hand corner from this thread and it opened me up here....
  11. myhubbycallsmechickeemama


    I use FireFox 4 Beta 12. Sometimes when I'm in a thread and hit the back button in the upper left corner instead of the refresh it opens me up in a nextag window instead of taking me back to the list of posts. Sorry I can't be more specific but I'm sure it will happen again and I will pay...
  12. myhubbycallsmechickeemama


    Just wondering if anyone else is having issues with BYC linking to nextag when you hit the back button and sometimes going to different threads. It has been happening to me for a couple of days now and at first I thought I was hitting something weird but there is nothing about nextag on any of...
  13. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Not Sure I Can Do It...

    The one hen's foot is quite swollen so I'm not sure she'll get better with time and I would rather do the surgery on her than have her die of a staph infection. :/
  14. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    Not Sure I Can Do It...

    I have discovered today that I have 2 RIR hens with bumblefoot. One of them has it on both feet. OMGosh, I'm not sure I can do the surgery without puking all over them!!! :sick I have a very weak stomach!!! I have looked at the tutorial but dang.... Anyone ever done it that has a weak...
  15. myhubbycallsmechickeemama

    I need a rooster in east Idaho!

    I have a hatchery RIR rooster that I'm needing to get rid of. He will be 2 in April 2013. He is very well mannered around people and is good with the girls but he's a bigger rooster and I'm keeping the smaller one. I live in Arco if you are interested! :)
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