Recent content by Mz Luv

  1. M


    WOW thanks for the discouragment ill take down the post and exit the forum
  2. M


    I should have clarified.. .i removed enough shell for the chicks beak to be exposed and put 1 or 2 drops of water in the chicks mouth with a tiny syringe
  3. M


  4. M

    At 9 days shouldnt a fertile dove egg have more than just veins????

    Someone on this site sent me an article that helped so much. I had a chick trying to get out of a shell. I got the chick out no problem. But an hour later he was dead. This article said the chicks die of dehydration under these circumstances and it is vital to give them a couple drops of water...
  5. M

    At 9 days shouldnt a fertile dove egg have more than just veins????

    Yes they did!!! Nothing but veins on day 9. Dove eggs hatch on day 14! But in those 5 days 3 healthy chicks developed...hatched and are doing great! I was so pleasantly surprised!
  6. M

    WHAT DID I DO WRONG???!!😭😭

    I thank you are exactly right. Not to mention the cold. The birds did everything they could...I did everything I could and so did the chick. A freak accident with the water probably what did it RIP
  7. M

    WHAT DID I DO WRONG???!!😭😭

    I had an egg under a hen that started pipping yesterday. It got far enough last night that there was an external crack so I left it until this morning. When i checked it this morning there had been no progress. When i candled it I could see the chick jumping around trying to peck out. So I...
  8. M

    At 9 days shouldnt a fertile dove egg have more than just veins????

    I raise ring neck doves. They breed easily and are good parents. I can usually tell if their eggs are fertile or infertile without even candeling them because if an egg is dark its usually always a healthy chick on the way. It just happened that 4 of my breeding pairs all laid eggs within 1 or...
  9. M

    Help with hatching problems

    This is the article i was refering to... Here is an excerpt that describes exactly what happened to me... The usual problem, is however, too high a temperature, or too low a humidity. This combination causes the shell and shell membrane...
  10. M

    Help with hatching problems

    You know what...youre right...they were small. I found out from the article in the reply above that they died of dehydration. I didnt give them a drop of water when their beaks were sticking out because i was concerned id drown them. Oh i wish i knew yesterday what i know today!!
  11. M


    This article was SO helpful! I cant thank you enough. It described EXACTLY what i experienced. The chicks were dehydrated and exhausted. I suspected at the start the new mother wasnt moistening the chicks as they were trying to break out of the shell. I didnt know that i could give the chicks a...
  12. M


    I raise ringneck doves. They are extremely healthy and eat the best food along with vitamins calcium etc. They love LOVE to breed nests and raise babies. I periodically put wooden eggs in their nests to give them a break. The dove pairs i have are very good at laying fertile eggs. But...
  13. M

    Help with hatching problems

    I raise ringneck doves. Even though they are different in some ways than chickens i still think someone here can help me. I have a pair that are first time parents. They had 2 eggs that went a day over the due date to hatch. I looked last night under the hen and saw that both eggs had a small...
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