Recent content by nab58

  1. nab58

    Can chicks eat turkey starter?

    Thank you for your replies. I was able to get Blue Seal starter which is 28% today. Luckily, the Dumor 24% was a small bag. I didn't realize they could become aggressive. I specifically got them to raise together and was told they'd be buddies. Once they come off the heat lamp, they'll be...
  2. nab58

    Can chicks eat turkey starter?

    im new to turkeys. I bought 2, 3 week old Royal Palm poults and put them in with 8 same sized chicks. I'm feeding them 24% game bird starter and am wondering if that's okay for the chicks to eat.
  3. nab58

    Can chicks eat turkey starter?

    I'm new to Turkeys. I bought 2 Royal Palm poults last week and put them in with my 8 chicks. They're about the same size and seem to be doing fine. I switched their food to 24% protein game bird starter and am wondering if the chicks will okay with it. Today I offered some chick starter as...
  4. nab58

    Sending a bird to be tested for Mareks

    Can anyone point me in the direction on how you send a bird to be tested for Mareks? We just lost our 5th bird Mareks symptoms and would like to send it to be tested. I live in NW CT. We culled the bird we freeze it? Do they need the head or just the body? Thank you!
  5. nab58

    Pullet with paralyzed legs

    Very interesting information here! Thank you all for your input. The sick birds are all gone so I cannot pursue necropsy on them. If/when I have another death, i will look into it. It would be good to confirm whether it's mareks or not. What was different in my flock that I've never had...
  6. nab58

    Pullet with paralyzed legs

    I did read most of the was very interesting and informative. Thank you. We're hoping it's not mareks and perhaps ate something moldy or rancid. If it is mareks, I'm not quite sure how you manage your flock with it if it's incurable, kills birds and highly contagious.
  7. nab58

    Pullet with paralyzed legs

    Is it possible not to lose the entire flock? We have had a couple of others die recently too. Until now we've never had a bird die other than by a fox attack. Of the others that have died recently, one 'sneezed' for several days. I gave her antibiotic injections but she died anyway. The...
  8. nab58

    Pullet with paralyzed legs

    We have a 20 week old americauna pullet who is unable to use her legs. We first found her about 3 weeks ago stuck behind a hitch. We thought she was stuck and had injured her leg. She was limping and flopping over but still able to get around. She was eating, drinking and pooping normal. We...
  9. nab58

    Egg has hole at wrong end

    Yes, it's chirping and moving around. I picked off most of the shell and wet the membrane with a qtip. I put it back in the incubator surrounded by wet paper towels. It's rocking back and forth but can't break through the membrane. It wants out! I can't tell where the head is.
  10. nab58

    Egg has hole at wrong end

    I have an egg at day 21. It's the last of 7...all others have hatched. I thought it had pipped yesterday. After 24 hours, I picked a small piece of shell off and it bled. I put wet paper towel on the area and increased the humidity. I've now noticed what I thought was a pip is at the wrong...
  11. nab58

    Question to those who own Brinsea Mini Advance

    hi all, I set my incubator to "auto cool =yes" during incubation. I realized after lockdown it didn't shut off. While my chicks were hatching it went into auto cool and the temp dropped to 88.4. I tried going through the setting and turning auto cool to NO but it wouldn't turn off. I was...
  12. nab58

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    Thank you! That will be perfect....ill be able to watch them hatch this weekend!
  13. nab58

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    I was candling my 7 eggs on day 18 to prepare for lockdown and noticed a couple of internal pips and heard chirping. I've never witnessed an internal pip".guess my eggs have always been in lockdown when it's happened. How long after internal pip to hatch is typical?
  14. nab58

    Can you make apple cider vinegar?

    Can you make ACV by adding pasteurized vinegar to unpasteurized? If not, is there anything you can add to ACV with the mother to grow more? (Like a sour dough starter)
  15. nab58


    I'm getting two Nigerian dwarf wethers in June. They will be my first goats so I am asking the same questions you have been. This thread has been very helpful! I think I will be going with electrified fence as we have coyote, bobcat, fishers, etc. I want to allow them to come and go from the...
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