Recent content by Nambroth

  1. Nambroth

    HELP! Dying Rooster!

    Glad to know that the white is possibly part of his genetics/breed! That is one mystery possibly solved. You said your neighbors' chickens showed symptoms hours before death. Do you know what symptoms they showed? Did they all seem to die around the same period of time? I understand if you don't...
  2. Nambroth

    HELP! Dying Rooster!

    Do you have any photos of him, especially of his face, from before he became ill? Do you know what symptoms your neighbor's chickens demonstrated when they became ill? I know you said that they thought they had coccidiosis, but I'm just wondering if there were any specific symptoms observed. I...
  3. Nambroth

    Lame rooster, coccidiosis or diet issue?

    Due to his age, you are less likely to see the leg issues associated with Marek's. Not impossible, just less likely. I would investigate other causes first, especially since there is no cure for Marek's. Treating his leg mites is a good first step. Does he have a vaulted skull? Some silkies with...
  4. Nambroth

    When would you evacuate your chickens due to wildfire smoke?

    So sorry for everyone that is impacted by these fires. :( Birds have more sensitive respiratory systems than we do. While chickens are generally a little more 'robust' than their smaller perching bird cousins, they still have a complex respiratory system with a network of air sacs and honeycomb...
  5. Nambroth

    Younger hen limping suddenly

    This link should answer all your questions about Marek's (if not I might need to add to it): The vaccine can only effectively be administered before chicks are 36 hours old, and it's a tricky vaccine to...
  6. Nambroth

    impaled chicken

    I'm not a vet so bear that in mind, but I agree. I am normally the type to urge caution with antibiotics due to overuse/misuse, but this is a case where I think preventative antibiotics are warranted. How sad, and I hope she makes it with no major problems.
  7. Nambroth

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    Just posting to follow this thread, my newest birds are a flock of 9 Bielefelders and I adore them so far!
  8. Nambroth

    Walking backwards with head down

    I have a hen that has chronic wry neck that will do this whenever her symptoms get worse or she gets stressed out. Wry neck is a symptom, not a disease, so if it is wry neck you will need to investigate the cause (neurological; often due to injury, vitamin deficiency, or nervous system problems...
  9. Nambroth

    Best parrot?

    Also a late reply, but as someone that has owned, worked with, and rescued parrots of all sizes my whole life, I must say that my friendly chicken breeds are by far the best pets out of all of them. Parrots are like a companion, or a toddler, and are not domesticated the way chickens are. My...
  10. Nambroth

    Ringneck dove looks sick

    With smaller birds like doves, parrots, and passerines, these symptoms should be considered an emergency as they hide illness until they are in a critical condition (chickens and other poultry do, too, but are often astoundingly resilient when compared to their smaller cousins). I highly...
  11. Nambroth

    Review by 'Nambroth' in article 'How to Send a Bird for a Necropsy in California'

    A very easy to follow guide for the sad reality many of us face: "Why did my bird die, and what caused it so that I can help the rest of my flock?" Sending a bird for necropsy may be morbid but it can give us the answers we need to move forward.
  12. Nambroth

    Chickens Dying (?) Help!

    This is not a diagnosis, and trying to figure things out through an internet forum is tricky at best (dangerous at worst if you get bad info!), but based on this it sounds as if you inadvertently brought in a disease, possibly a respiratory disease, with your gurgling rooster. Without knowing...
  13. Nambroth

    4 dead birds in 1 day

    Can you find out exactly what they used when they sprayed? That might help to either rule it out or peg it as the culprit; until you know for sure, you should probably try to prevent your other animals from going near any sprayed areas, and help them to keep cool in the heat.
  14. Nambroth

    Chickens Dying (?) Help!

    Have you brought in any new birds in the last six months or so, or have you been to any sites where others keep poultry? You mentioned sneezing; was he the only one sneezing? Any discharge from the eyes/nose/mouth, foamy eyes, or breathing sounds (rasping, gurgling, coughing, etc) from any of...
  15. Nambroth

    Help...collapsed chicken

    Others have had luck with a Betadine solution with fly strike to clean the wound and flush out maggots. Keeping the wound clean and dry is ideal; you may need to trim some feathers out to keep them sticking into the wound as it heals. If you can get her stable and bright/perky again, you will...
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