Recent content by NanaYurczak

  1. N

    Please help emergency beak issue

    Hubby was here to help get a couple close up pics
  2. N

    Please help emergency beak issue

    Thank you for your kindness and advice. We're going back out now to weigh her, take the feather out from in between and take a better picture.
  3. N

    Please help emergency beak issue

    Thank you for your kindness and your advice.
  4. N

    Please help emergency beak issue

    Thank you for being so kind to reply.
  5. N

    Please help emergency beak issue

    Does the part of the beak that broke away grow back? From investigating, it appears to be seperated all the way back to the cere/fleshy area just below the nostrils. Should I be treating the underneath of the upper beak with an antiseptic/anibiotic?
  6. N

    Please help emergency beak issue

    We don't have many veterinarians in our area. None near me that will see a chicken or handle avian/chickens. The closest veterinarian for avian medicine is over 3 hours away. Please see attached picture of my lovely Golden Penciled Hamburg hen. This morning when I went to the coop to freshen...
  7. N

    Mama and her chicks have become Liberatarians!

    Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get my hen and her 6 chicks closer to the coop. They are a huge distance away and in the woods. She will come when I call her and drop treats for them, but keeps her distance and her chicks even more so. I have a new coop set up for them if we're ever...
  8. N

    Mama and her chicks have become Liberatarians!

    I have a dilemna with catching my Hamburg hen (and her chicks) who disappeared in our woods to have chicks earlier this month. She was missing for a while and then, we would see her periodically come back to the flock but would dissapear as quickly as she would reappear, never to be caught...
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