Recent content by NancyP

  1. NancyP

    Leghorn hatching eggs (found)

    Hi, I live in Florida and am looking for 2 dozen leghorn hatching eggs. I prefer white but am open to other colors. Please message me with what you have. Thanks, Nancy
  2. NancyP

    Nancyps Page

    Shipping eggs: As a seller I have no control of the shipping and hatching process. Buyer assumes all responsibility for outcome of hatching shipped eggs. I have heritage rir's from private breeding stock, $25 a dozen for hatching eggs. midget white turkey's $35 a dozen hatching eggs, bourbon red...
  3. NancyP

    Newbie From Bonifay

    Welcome to the insanity
  4. NancyP

    GMO discussion with teacher

    I think the problem comes in with the power it gives to a few.
  5. NancyP

    ~The Council Of Youngers of BYC! (COY)~

    Cool Tanichca, He would like that. I will respectfully back out and stop intruding now.
  6. NancyP

    ~The Council Of Youngers of BYC! (COY)~

    This thread bugs the snot out of me LOL. COY is my hubbies name. have a great day!
  7. NancyP

    What did you have for dinner today?

    Here ya go, there is a bunch of yummy stuff here.
  8. NancyP

    Duck vs Dog- Please help

    I agree, isolation and keep the wound clean and slather antibiotic ointment generously on it. We have doctored a couple of ducks with severe wounds and they healed very well.
  9. NancyP

    Question For AFTER Processing.

    Keeping them on ice is fine. I would rinse and start fresh each day. Meat birds are prone to leg problems, so I would guess he is fine and safe to eat. Good luck. Home grown chicken is the best! Nancy
  10. NancyP

    Turkey question.

    My midget white hens dress out comparable to a large chicken and are yummy.
  11. NancyP

    Are these Royal Palms or mixes?

    They are at least part royal palm. If there is black on the chest then you have boys. the girls are white chested. You can know for sure when the gobble.
  12. NancyP

    Midget White Turkey

    The midgets are about twice the size of chickens. The toms get to about 15-20 pounds and the hens about 8-12 pounds.
  13. NancyP

    Midget White Turkey

    We have midget whites, they are a very nice breed. Ours free range with the chickens every day without problems and are excellent for the table. Nancy
  14. NancyP

    Best online source for Food Grade DE?

    This is where I got mine. Service was quick and polite.
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