Recent content by Nani87

  1. N

    Recently lost flock member Now one is sleeping in nesting box.

    Whoops, was supposed to say nothing to do but try I guess. Lol
  2. N

    Recently lost flock member Now one is sleeping in nesting box.

    I will go out and put her on the roost. I just hope they’re not bullying her at night. We’ll see how it goes. Thanks. Nothing
  3. N

    Recently lost flock member Now one is sleeping in nesting box.

    We have six girls they almost 4 and have been together since birth. We lost one two weeks ago. I have been paying attention to them during the day and do not see any obvious bullying. However, I think the one in the box is the lowest in the pecking order along with the one we just lost Should...
  4. N

    How common are heart attacks in layer chickens?

    Regardless of the cause I am sorry for your loss.
  5. N

    Loss of my favourite chicken

    I am so sorry for your loss. I had to have my vet put down my favorite today. She was almost 4. Pinot, the sweetest brown IPA ever in fact, the sweetest chicken ever. My heart breaks for you as well, but no, you’re not alone and know you’re one of the fortunate ones who has the chance to...
  6. N

    Does everyone feel like this?

    I just had to have my vet put my hen Pinot down tonight. She was a 3 1/2-year-old brown ISA. I know what you mean about loving so much it is painful I wish I did not feel this way either I am an absolute mess over this I’m struggling so hard because I want to make sure I did the right...
  7. N

    Emergency please help

    Thanks for responding. It really helps to have somebody understand.
  8. N

    Emergency please help

    She was so good yesterday I thought she was going to make it. I know the day was bad with the other girls, but I keep thinking I wonder if I could’ve gotten her strong enough again the vet said she went downhill so quickly I think it’s because I forced her back out with her flock. The vet did...
  9. N

    Emergency please help

    Well, my heart is breaking. I had to have Pinot put down tonight. She was out with the flock most of the day and still eating but when it was time to come in, they were attacking her. I called the vet because she was too weak to even jump up into one of the nest boxes, so she had no way to...
  10. N

    Emergency please help

    I will do that. I just placed her out on the perch and will check on them in a bit. They didn’t seem to be too disturbed when she went in. I’m hoping if they’re OK in a half an hour that I can leave them and just check again before sun comes up. I will definitely be around with them in the...
  11. N

    Emergency please help

    Thanks I am going to try to sneak her in tonight. My chicken sitter is going to make sure she is getting to eat, and if the others are not letting her then she will bring her in to eat. There are only seven in the flock, and they have been together since birth, so hoping they accept her back in...
  12. N

    Emergency please help

    Thanks again for all your help last night. I took her to the vet and she agreed that she may be old, but she was rallying and exhibiting normal chicken behaviors, so it would be premature to put her down. there may be more underlying issues only time will tell. I am going to attempt to...
  13. N

    Emergency please help

    Thanks for your reply. She is eating and drinking but still has the greenish poop. I am going to take her to the vet tomorrow and see if there’s anyway they can keep her while we are gone and continue the treatment. My only concern is that she is almost 4 and am I just prolonging her decline. I...
  14. N

    Emergency please help

    I desperately need help deciding what to do next. She has been isolated now since Sunday I think she’s starting to perk up a bit but we are leaving on Saturday and I don’t think I can put her back in with the other girls. I already postponed the trip and cannot put it off anymore. She is eating...
  15. N

    Emergency please help

    Is this normal? Sorry I am obsessing. I was thinking today she made some progress. She’s eating quite a bit but it’s like this almost every other minute.
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