Recent content by Newtie

  1. Newtie

    Hen "sitting" on hocks, no other symptoms

    A quick update on our hen. After 1 week of B-Complex and Vitamin E, she's up and walking. She's still a little shaky and not walking far, but it's a dramatic change from last Monday and we're overjoyed with her progress. For anyone else dealing with a similar issue, I highly recommend adding...
  2. Newtie

    Hen "sitting" on hocks, no other symptoms

    Thank you everyone. I've observed her closely over the last couple of days and she does indeed have symptoms of Curly Toe Paralysis. She's on a B-Complex and Vitamin E and I've given her egg for Selenium and some berries for Vitamin C in addition to her other food. She's eating and alert but not...
  3. Newtie

    Hen "sitting" on hocks, no other symptoms

    Thank you! I will try this immediately! Her toes are slightly curled when she has them resting. When she uses them, no, not at all. They act like normal chicken feet.
  4. Newtie

    Hen "sitting" on hocks, no other symptoms

    Hi. Our 5 year old Ameraucana hen recently began resting on her hocks, feet underneath her. It began 3 days ago. It's like she's rising up from a nesting position. She seems to balance and walk on her hocks, so restricted movement. She can move her feet and toes. She's alert and has no other...
  5. Newtie

    Flock sneezing, some sound congested, rooster's crow is squeaky

    Thank you everyone. It seems to be nearly impossible to obtain Tylan right now - I'll see if Foys will let me check out. So far I called every store and many online sellers before posting and no one seems to have it in-stock. The ones who do have a version require a script and, as I shared in my...
  6. Newtie

    Flock sneezing, some sound congested, rooster's crow is squeaky

    Thank you for sharing! Are you diluting the VetRx in the water or is that for them to free choice drink. Are you using gel-based silver or have you found it as a liquid?
  7. Newtie

    Flock sneezing, some sound congested, rooster's crow is squeaky

    Hello. I recently posted about a gasping hen who was housed in one of my runs. Unfortunately now chickens in another run are sneezing and few sound like there is a rattle in their throats. The rooster's crow is very squeaky. There's no evidence of discharge or any other respiratory issue. I've...
  8. Newtie

    Rooster gasping for air!

    Thank you. I am in Virginia. This hen suddenly started gasping for air yesterday. No mucus, no nasty yellow crud, in fact, no other symptoms but the gasping and accompanying rattle noise. I can't feel anything in her throat. I had given her antibiotics yesterday thinking it was respiratory and...
  9. Newtie

    Rooster gasping for air!

    I have a hen showing the same symptoms. Does Fenbendazole work to treat them? I have plenty of it already.
  10. Newtie

    Hard yellow nasal congestion, no other symptoms

    I've looked through her mouth and can't see anything. I think it's just the nasal cavity. No, I can't be sure I've extracted everything because she's quite small and it's essentially up her nose. The material is hard but I'll try pushing on the corners. Sometimes I have to use tweezers to pull...
  11. Newtie

    Hard yellow nasal congestion, no other symptoms

    Based on the comments above about a canker, I google photos and it *could* be that, in the early stages? She has no other items around her mouth, just the one nostril. I ordered both Tylan and Fish Zole, just in case. She's a special hen!
  12. Newtie

    Hard yellow nasal congestion, no other symptoms

    Thank you all. I had already cleaned her up for the evening so a photo won't help right now. There's actually not much to see on the best of days. It looks like a smoothly clogged nostril with a slight scab over it. With a little warm water on a paper towel I can loosen the "plug" and it'll come...
  13. Newtie

    Hard yellow nasal congestion, no other symptoms

    I have an 8 month old bantam hen that has an ongoing nasal congestion but is otherwise healthy and energetic. Eats well, drinks, runs, plays, sleeps, etc. The congestion is yellow, hard, and smelly. An older hen of ours would every once in a while have the same issue (like once every year or two...
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