Recent content by NewToFarming

  1. NewToFarming

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    Thank you! I do enjoy having these turkeys around! I loved the pictures of the silkies and turkeys. Those tiny silkie Momma's can be quite protective! LOL This girl just cracks me up because I never know what to expect to find with her. She is brooding a silkie mix hen. The chicken hen would...
  2. NewToFarming

    Diary of a Crossbeak: Support for Special Needs Chickens and their Keepers

    This is wonderful news!! Thanks for the update. It sounds like she will be just fine!!!
  3. NewToFarming

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    Thank you! My boy is pretty laid back, thank goodness! He has gotten quite huge and I couldn't imagine having something like that come after you!
  4. NewToFarming

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    Hello all, It has been forever since I have been on here. Crazy how work gets in the way of the fun stuff all the time! ;) Thought I would post some pics of my guys and gals all grown up. It has been a year now since I got them and the hens had hatched out some babies who are no longer babies. I...
  5. NewToFarming

    Diary of a Crossbeak: Support for Special Needs Chickens and their Keepers

    I am sorry about your little one and glad you gave it a chance. It sounds like you are prepared either way it goes for your little one. My girl, Babs turned 3 years old last month and Crooky a silkie rooster turned 2 years old. Crooky is not as severe as Babs. The only extra I do for them is use...
  6. NewToFarming

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    Thank you! They are growing like weeds! LOL I can't wait to see what they are but only plan on keeping one Tom though. The other Momma hen is not getting up to take care of the littlest one. I have been doing my best to keep it fed and watered as much as possible.
  7. NewToFarming

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    I believe she might be a dark brown. She was one of my very first chickens and she was part of a surprise package from MPC. She is an older gal and this is her first time being broody but she is doing a great job with these little ones. It is funny how she was always very flighty and this is how...
  8. NewToFarming

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    The babies are getting big fast! She has been a good Momma especially it being her first time. This little one has me puzzled. It hatched a few days ago and was set under a different broody turkey hen about the same time these were set. The other Momma is brooding in a crate with 3...
  9. NewToFarming

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    It has been forever since I posted here but thought I would post a picture of my brown leghorn and her babies. Two she hatched and the other one she stole from another Momma.
  10. NewToFarming

    LOTS & LOTS of Roos need a girls of their own. Naked Necks, Mixes and Silkies. Located in PA

    Hi Amanda, I am sorry for the delayed response to you but I have been crazy busy. Yes, the 6th boy is still here but I had found he has an oil gland infection and am trying to get it cleared up. I can keep you posted on him.
  11. NewToFarming

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    I did post the pictures I could get so far on page 286. Mom isn't leaving the nest very often but I caught her off the other day. Not the greatest but hopefully I can get some more soon. The remaining 2 eggs in the picture did hatch but one did not pull through, I am not sure why. I found it...
  12. NewToFarming

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    I agree! I am new to turkeys also and they have helped me with all my questions! I also wanted to let everyone know that my Turkey Girl had a 100% hatch rate!!! I am very surprised and was not expecting all these babies and here I thought Turkey boy was not doing his job! LOL
  13. NewToFarming

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    Here are my new babies. I finally caught the mom off of the nest that I could get a picture.
  14. NewToFarming

    Turkey Talk for 2014

    There are so many cute new poults on here and you guys did not warn me how cute and friendly these little ones are!!!! I have had 3 hatch so far. My silkies initially stole the eggs and started the incubation but when my turkey girl went broody, I put them under her so there could be more to...
  15. NewToFarming

    Faverolles Thread

    Yes, these are Joel's babies. Leon had kids already! The other one is a little naked neck. It hatched a few days later than it's hatchmates and Joel's babies were more closer in age at the time so I put it with Lucy Lou Lou and the Fav babies. Lucy will take any baby as her own. I have to get...
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