Recent content by Nicola

  1. Nicolas Page

    Nicolas Page

    My Chooks Lucky a cochin bantam Violet a lav ameracuna (She has gone to a new home at a friend of the family) and tina a Lav ameracuna(she has gone to a new home at a friend of the families.) These are the 2 newest chickens i have i hatched them last year their 3 brothers went to the new...
  2. Nicola

    please help me and my cat! we dont know what it is *pics*

    Quote: Yes, that sounds about right. Normal saline solution is 9 grams of NaCl to about 1000 mL of water. It is a form of very, very diluted salt water. However, just mixing salt and water together without any sort of measurement (Like the OP was doing) is not a good replacement for saline...
  3. Nicola

    please help me and my cat! we dont know what it is *pics*

    I was told by my vet, when my cat had a pretty big fight wound to make a saline solution with 1 teaspoon of rock salt to about 750mls of Boiling water, to let it cool then store it in a air tight Jar or use it some straight away.
  4. Nicola

    I think my betta fish is dying :-( UPDATE

    Constipation in them is mostly caused by a lack of liquid in their foods, try soaking his betta pellets before giving them to him so they aren't dry, and some frozen food like blood worms may be good aswell since they have liquid in them, i would put epsom salts in his water, as that helps them...
  5. Nicola

    I think my betta fish is dying :-( UPDATE

    sponge filters are just as effective as other filters with betta even small ones were you meaning the mini filters like this? as that one would be a good one it seems, if you get a valve for the airline to control the flow...
  6. Nicola

    I think my betta fish is dying :-( UPDATE

    If its a 10 gallon, i would atleast have a sponge filter in there they are very cheap and easy to run , which should help take some nasites that could be causing problems, like ammonia spikes, sponge filters are good for keeping the good bacteria in them for the nitrogen cycle. as one of my lil...
  7. Nicola

    please help me and my cat! we dont know what it is *pics*

    saline is salty water, mild but has salt in it..
  8. Nicola

    please help me and my cat! we dont know what it is *pics*

    Wow that is red raw D: I would be trimming the Furr around it, and trimming his claws, have you put anything on his skin before this happened that you haven't used before? That could cause an allergy? are there other cats in the house that could of scratched him? While you are at it, trim the...
  9. Nicola

    please help me and my cat! we dont know what it is *pics*

    Use nail clippers and just cut the tips off, as a blunt edge, dont go near the pink bit in the claws as that will make him bleed. I have to trim my outdoor cats claws regularly, as they get needle sharp and he knows it. As your cat isnt used to it, he may freak out a bit, so do it as quick as...
  10. Nicola

    please help me and my cat! we dont know what it is *pics*

    yes it should help wash away whatever may be causing the irritation also its a good cleansing thing to use on mild infections my cat had a big long gash on his side from a fight see and i washed it with a salt water solution and it healed up fine, as there was no major infection in it, Now...
  11. Nicola

    please help me and my cat! we dont know what it is *pics*

    Quote: If it smells horrible and makes you wanna heave its Pus ( thats how i can tell my cat has an infected wound YUKKIY) or if it oozes yellow/clear goo when Squeezed. but i would give it a wash with salt water solution, which is easy to apply with cotton balls.
  12. Nicola

    lets see your other pets

    Dr. Evil Goldmember ^ These two lil fella's are full of personality and smarts Monty ^ Owned him since i was lil He is 15
  13. Nicola

    please help me and my cat! we dont know what it is *pics*

    Does the sore have a bad smell? is it weeping stuff and making the fur around it matt? If it has a Putrid smell, it is most likely an absess. If it is severe you will NEED to take the cat to the vets to get it drained, otherwise, if it is mild, What i have done is squeeze it so as much of the...
  14. Nicola

    New Year's Eve plans?

    Stuck to my plans and did nothing ! Watched the fire works on tv, and then yelled happy new year at the pets in the house xD while the fireworks were going off around the house. People are still letting them off occasionally at 2am -.-
  15. Nicola

    I think my betta fish is dying :-( UPDATE

    Hmm No idea, what type of tank is this? does it have a filter? as i would be cleaning all the rocks out as they may be the cause, but if it doesnt have a filter, all the Good Bacteria in the rocks is going to be destroyed.. which will make the tank start cycling again. Not good for a sick fish...
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