Recent content by Nikki28

  1. Nikki28

    Wanted: Muscovy Ducks in AZ

    Hello, I live in Prescott and am looking for some Muscovy's. Ducklings are prefered, However if you have a breeding group you are wanting to sell please let me know. Thank You - Nikki
  2. Nikki28

    to anyone who has questioned if they should close the coop at night...

    I'm sorry you had to suffer loss but I am glad you posted this. I have been slacking off locking the coop the last couple of days due to not wanting to get up at 5 to open it. This has reminded me why I need to get over it and keep them safe.
  3. Nikki28

    eating fertile eggs

    Quote: Very cool! Thanks for sharing! We have a rooster and it is silly to me that anyone would have an actual issue with eating a fertilized egg that has not been incubated in any way. Unless you know what to look for most people cannot even tell the difference between a fertile and non...
  4. Nikki28

    Asking Y'all Your Opinions On Roosters

    Quote: I agree. I had hens only for over a year before accidently ending up with a roo. I'm glad I started out with just hens and was able to sit out and just enjoy them.... but I am happy to have a roo now. While he certainly is not friendly he is not "mean" either and has more than shown his...
  5. Nikki28

    Broody hen issue (left eggs for a few hours)

    Thanks!! I will mark them tonight while she is sleeping. I put some water by her this morning so I will move food as well.
  6. Nikki28

    Broody hen issue (left eggs for a few hours)

    Thanks for the quick response. I hope all goes well with the hatch. I guess I will leave her be, I moved her after reading about other hens bullying more timid broody hens and am concerned about the others hurting the babies when they hatch and I also wanted to make sure she had easy access to...
  7. Nikki28

    Broody hen issue (left eggs for a few hours)

    I am dealing with my first broody hen. She had been sitting/setting(?) on the eggs for two days when I moved her into a set up area about 10 feet from the coop. I moved her at night and checked on her an hour later she was asleep on the nest and seemed fine. I'm assuming as soon as the sun came...
  8. Nikki28

    I can't control my rooster and he is drawing blood

    Quote: I feel that it is your responsibility to properly deal with your animal. Not only is it cruel to let him (a domesticated pen raised animal) out to slowly or brutally die alone in the 'wild' but you also run the risk of him injuring someone else. I don't mean to be rash and I understand...
  9. Nikki28

    What was the #1 song the day you were born?

    'The Reflex' by Duran Duran Sweet! I was just listening to that the other day. Oops I forgot to add my birthday. June 28th 1984
  10. Nikki28

    Oh Deer... *graphic*... not really...

    Keep in mind that by "fawn" they mean a slightly smaller 'adult' deer. Not a little spotted baby I used to work with wildlife and they are adorable aren't they.. as are most babies I guess. I've never tried deer meat (I've had plenty of elk though) I look forward to trying it this year!
  11. Nikki28

    YUCCKKKYYYY!!! and a ?

    Are there rapid temperature changes that the eggs go through going from outside to in your house? Could some be starting to freeze inside? I'm grasping at straws I know. Goodluck with your problem! Let us know if you discover why it's happening.
  12. Nikki28

    hurt cat HELP --- Pics

    Looks like a ruptured abscess. I agree that he probably licked it clean although the area looks very square and well shaped from the pic.
  13. Nikki28

    A murder most fowl...

    I'm glad you posted this but very sorry that it happened to you. I've had a great horned owl hanging out around my run. The top is covered in chicken wire but I never thought about them getting them through the side of the cage. I'll take extra precautions tomorrow.
  14. Nikki28

    Murphy's Laws of Chicken Keeping -- let's make a list!

    No matter how meticulous you are about keeping the feed and water containers clean. When you have guests that want to see the chicken run the chickens will have flung copious amounts of dirt into the water and will have managed to somehow poop in their feed by the time you get there.
  15. Nikki28

    I listened to you fellow BYC'ers and built a website!

    herefordlovinglady: Are you using Firefox to browse? That may be why. I'm not sure how to fix it but I just went on my Opera browser and it comes up correctly. BTW Great job! How did you make it?
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