Recent content by nina1marc2

  1. nina1marc2

    How long before a broody hen will lay eggs again?

    It depends on how long it takes for her to break from being broody. If you removed all the unhatched eggs and left the nest empty then the next step is to kick her out of the nest for the day. Let her free range (or covered range for most of the day but make sure she has plenty of access to food...
  2. nina1marc2

    Ducks in Virginia Beach

    Be careful. I live in VB and have owned chickens for over a year but my homeowners insurance randomly came out to inspect my house and sent me a email and letter stating that if I don't remove the farm animals they will cancel my policy. They said we are zoned for it in my area. I have one month...
  3. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    I would let her out a lot. More than anything else. I would also remove the hen that attacked her and put her back in with the other hens. She needs some company while she is out. Hens don't like to be alone. If you remove the one that attacked for a few days it might change the pecking order of...
  4. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    My silkie is broody often. Very often. Matter of fact, she was this past weekend. Just broke her of it. Took 2 days because I caught her right when the behavior started. Crazy breed but so sweet
  5. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    I would remove her sooner than later. If you do she will stop being broody faster. I use a medium dog crate for their broody pen. I have tons of holes drilled into the bottom to allow air flow. I also put a brick in there to allow her to perch and not lay on the bottom. This makes her air out...
  6. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    I have a welsummer and golden laced wyandottes and they rarely go broody. When they have their combs do go pale. I can usually track when they will start to lay again after they molt by how red their combs go. The one hen I have that goes broody all the time is a silkie mix and she is mostly...
  7. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    Your very welcome. I hope it works. They can be stubborn little hens but such good moms.
  8. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    I wouldn't dunk her in water. It never worked for my hens. I would just leave her all day and night in the broody box. I use a dog kennel with holes in the bottom and I set it up so the air flows to her bottom. It's the hormones in her bottom that need to be changed. It's never to late to break...
  9. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    Just 3. Hatched out 11 and shared them with a friend and 5 were roosters. No roosters allowed in the city.
  10. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    yes she lays blue/green eggs. Very good eggs.
  11. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    She is black with some brown streaks. She is a silkie mix. Her behavior is all silkie though.
  12. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    Well, I sure am glad that I decided to check out what broody behavior looks like!  I have a Buff Orpington that has been acting "weird" off and on for the past week.  When I go to gather the eggs in late morning, she is the only hen that is still sitting in the nest boxes.  When I try to reach...
  13. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    I only hatch out my eggs from an incubator from a friends farm. The silkie was the only one out of 11 that hatched. I kept her and two others that were EE mixes. She is the sweetest of them all. She is my best egg layer when she isn't broody. She lays 6-7 days then a day off and starts all over...
  14. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    Oh if your in a warm place then I would just leave her in the broody pen until she doesn't try to run back into the nesting box. I live in Virginia and its gets below freezing here at night right now so I put her back in the box. It's actually better to leave her in the pen until she changes her...
  15. nina1marc2

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    Their health can be affected in the long run unless you plan on getting fertilized eggs to hatch her out. I have a silkie that does this every few months and I have learned how to break her very easily. I don't have a rooster so her eggs won't hatch either. She will lay in a empty nesting box...
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