Recent content by NoZolbitty

  1. NoZolbitty

    What are people thinking these days? Venting time!

    Our first chickens were a bunch of these colored chicks. 30 to 40 years ago the didn't as intensly colored but the all grew out of that colored down into the color the good lord and the farmer ment them to be In this case white, since they were white rocks and leghorns.
  2. NoZolbitty

    Ascites?? Swollen, squishy abdomen - WITH PICS & VIDEO (page 9)

    I'd talk to the vet if you are still getting flack from DH. The vet may have the latetest info that might save more hens, especially if you can get info on prevention.
  3. NoZolbitty

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    Last thursday while at a Dr's appointmeent i found an article about the victims of the shooting which included a paragraph and two photos of the suspect. The most recent photo showed a person with a very distubing look to his eyes. This is something that is beyond gun legislation. He Made me...
  4. NoZolbitty

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    your info is usful for anyone who are having over friends who are vegitarians or vegans I'm an omnivore and after reading the interaction o this thread I trly believe A group of BYCers could have a get together, say a coup tour. I think We could have an interestin time developing a menu that...
  5. NoZolbitty

    Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

    Forgive me if this sounds stupid, Ive seen sprouts (some sort of bean) in the salad bar at a local restaurantt got me wondering what do you do if you 're out with friends?
  6. NoZolbitty

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    Beware of invertabrate punster, spinlesly unableto resist a pun!"
  7. NoZolbitty

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    That was from my maternal grandma when they had a flock of Minorcas, My poor uncle made the mistake of sitting outside sans shirt Ow!
  8. NoZolbitty

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    I think i I'd tell rosie "don't you dare wipe your beak on me after going thru Doogie's do!"
  9. NoZolbitty

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    Try mimicking a cat trill they seem to love it and my cat Oogie uses it to address me especialy as a greeting it's gotten so it sounds like he's trying to convers with me. for example, "Brrrrrrrrrt?(the cat) " whats up ? you think it's crunchy time?" Brrrrrrmow." And skeptics say they can't talk
  10. NoZolbitty

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    You know.....Inqiring beaks wanna know
  11. NoZolbitty

    Comment by 'NoZolbitty' in article 'Chicken Treat Chart: The Best Treats for Backyard Chickens'

    With chocolate , its a naturaly occuring chemical that causes the trouble. many birds cannaot handle it.
  12. NoZolbitty

    How to Keep Chickens From being Bored

    Do you think a regular "dose" of olive oil in their diey might prevent crop binding?
  13. NoZolbitty

    How to Keep Chickens From being Bored

    There's another feed toy iv'e seen used for "cagebirds" its a metal bolt on a chain that you can stick fruit, veggies or both You secure the treats by screwing a large beadon the bottom A frind gave me one for my lovebird Bud Who injoyed it. HHmmm, What would the clerk at your local pet store...
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