Recent content by Ometra

  1. Ometra

    Two broody hens break in same crate?

    Thank you for replying. Neither is higher in the pecking order but one of them I know picks on others, so I’ll be safe and assemble two. Luckily we have lots of dogs and dog crates.
  2. Ometra

    Two broody hens break in same crate?

    I have two hens both broody, no fertile eggs involved. Can I put them both in the same dog crate if it’s big enough?
  3. Ometra

    Bare spots/ feather plucking?

    It sounds like the exact thing I’m experiencing except the feather plucking hasn’t gotten to the neck, and the laying has remained consistent. I figured out who in the flock is doing the picking. Now what to do….
  4. Ometra

    Bare spots/ feather plucking?

    I can easily give them the chick food. It’s 19% protein. Thank you so much for the suggestion.
  5. Ometra

    Bare spots/ feather plucking?

    So I’ve been observing, and one of the Wyandottes is the culprit. She also is the one who pinches the heck out of hand when I give them treats. 😬
  6. Ometra

    Bare spots/ feather plucking?

    Thank you for the reply. I’ve fed them Grubbly Farms layer feed which has 16% protein. I give them black soldier fly grubs for treats 3 or 4 times a week. I understand those are high in protein, so giving them those will perhaps up their protein intake? (I ordered a few saddles to put on the...
  7. Ometra

    Bare spots/ feather plucking?

    Thank you for replying. I had thought molting occurred only in fall. This is our first winter.
  8. Ometra

    Bare spots/ feather plucking?

    I’ve noticed over the past few weeks that my Ameraucanas have bare patched at the base of their backs where their tail feathers begin. Some worse than others. I’m trying to figure out if 1) they are being pecked on by other chickens, 2) they are plucking them out by themselves, 3) molting - at...
  9. Ometra

    Hardware cloth and mice

    When building our super secure dream coop, I never dreamed a mouse could do that. 😬
  10. Ometra

    Hardware cloth and mice

    I didn’t know 1/2” is stronger than 1/4”!! I’m learning new things all the time. Thank you
  11. Ometra

    Hardware cloth and mice

    Stinkin’ mouse deserved it!
  12. Ometra

    Hardware cloth and mice

    @CoriM, Thank you for replying. I’m thinking I might have to replace the hardware cloth. Besides having a feeder that holds 50lbs of feed, the chickens have a thing about slinging food all over the ground in the run. I’m still fairly new at keeping chickens. Who would have thought…
  13. Ometra

    Hardware cloth and mice

    Do I have to use 1/4” mesh hardware cloth to keep mice out? We have 1/2” hardware cloth and still got a mouse in the run. My husband says a mouse can squeeze through 1/2”. Is that even possible?
  14. Ometra


    Thanks. Our coop/run is almost finished and I had my husband get 100% peat moss for it. It says it’s sphagnum on it and I needed to find out before I tell him it’s wrong. 😂😂 He probably wouldn’t laugh.
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