Recent content by onebigglo1

  1. onebigglo1

    Rooster Contest!

    This I Riley. He is BO x Dom. and is an awesome rooster! This is Roger, the son of Riley but he has an Ameracuana mother. He also is a very awesome rooster. He was hatched in Feb. 2014.
  2. onebigglo1

    Comment by 'onebigglo1' in article 'Guide to Letting Broody Hens Hatch and Raise Chicks'

    I have a broody Americuana that separated from the flock because she wanted to take all the other eggs. At first she didn't want to set on the four I moved but then she finally did, I just hope she didn't wait to long and let them get cold. It was in the 80's that day so I hope they will be...
  3. onebigglo1

    Chicken name help?

    She kind of looks like a mix between a Buff Orpington and Black Austrolorp to me.
  4. onebigglo1

    Cleaning Routine Brooder and Beyond

    My mom has a garage apartment that no one was living in so I put about 4 layers of newspaper down in the bath tub and put my 12 chicks in there. I have a chair by the tub with my heat lamp clamped on it that I can raise or lower as needed. I just recently put the feeder on a pole going across...
  5. onebigglo1

    How do I get my chicks to go into their coop?

    I would suggest making them stay in the coop for a couple of weeks with their food and water so they get used to being in there. Then put them through the door making them go down the ramp into the run or where ever you are letting them forage. Chickens are not stupid creatures like some may...
  6. onebigglo1

    Some advice please?

    If you can have a rooster where you live, why don't you just order some white orp. pullet chicks and a black australorp roo and raise your own instead of buying eggs? You could use your incubator to hatch the fertile eggs and get more chicks to have for eggs or sell the chicks. There's no...
  7. onebigglo1

    Wanting to incubate eggs. Seeking advice

    I have the Little Giant (I think that's the name) from TSC. I do have the egg turner in mine and seriously suggest getting one unless you are home all the time and can remember to turn the eggs 2-3 times a day. I would also suggest setting more than 6 eggs so you have a better hatch rate. I had...
  8. onebigglo1

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

    I crossed a BO rooster with black australorp hens and got hens that look very similar to the GLW. I'm hoping they will lay jumbo eggs like their mothers do.
  9. onebigglo1

    Black Australorps or Jersey Black Giants?

    Do the Jersey Giants have the green sheen on their feathers also? Someone dropped six chicks off at my mothers house in a tractor supply box. It said two of them were the "featured breed". I went to TSC to see what their featured breed was and it said Black Giants. The chicks looked to be about...
  10. onebigglo1

    Comment by 'onebigglo1' in article 'Fresh Eggs'

    Nice job! I wish my teenage daughter liked chickens as much as you do. She prefers her ducks.
  11. onebigglo1

    Comment by 'onebigglo1' in article 'Beginner's Coop Behind My Garage'

    I have plans to build a 4x12 coop for two different flocks of chickens. I only have one small flock now and am using a wooden shipping container. I put a hinged piece of plywood with tin on top of the box and cut a door in the front. I filled it with hay and a box for them to lay their eggs in...
  12. onebigglo1

    Lock Down Day! Anyone Else?

    Somehow I miscounted my eggs and had 12 instead of 11. I have had 9 hatch so far out of the 12 but one didn't make it. I helped it out the shell because it was breached. I guess I should have waited a bit longer. I will wait until Monday to see what happens before I toss the remaining eggs. I...
  13. onebigglo1

    Set eggs 2/16

    I read somewhere to put a cloth in the water wells and put hot water in them to bring the humidity up. I did this and the level did go up but temp came down so I turned temp. up a little. Temp came back up but humidity came back down. I did see one egg move though. Fri. and Sat. is hatch day...
  14. onebigglo1

    Lock Down Day! Anyone Else?

    I have 11 that went in to lockdown yesterday. I'm hoping I was counting right and didn't go a day early. All my eggs are "mutts" except for one. It will be a BO if it makes it. I'm trying to get some green egg layers to go with the blue and brown ones. Wish them luck!
  15. onebigglo1

    Comment by 'onebigglo1' in article 'How To Incubate & Hatch Chicken Eggs - Just 21 Days From Egg To Chicken!'

    I'm using one of the foam incubators from TSC and have kept the humidity level between 40-50 for the first 18 days. They are now on lockdown but I can't get the humidity level above 55%. I have all the trays filled, a huge sponge and 3 small plastic cups filled with water. Any suggestions? This...
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