Recent content by OrlandoMama

  1. OrlandoMama

    Is this a new egg type or just random speckles?

    I’ll pay more closer attention to the eggs the next few days and see if there’s any difference or super speckled eggs. I’ve gotten an egg or two before with barely a few speckles but nothing like this where it’s completely covered both sides. I washed them too to make sure it wasn’t dirt(mud...
  2. OrlandoMama

    Is this a new egg type or just random speckles?

    I went to collect eggs and found two eggs that were speckled. I currently do not have any adults that would normally be laying speckled eggs yet I have two girls that are 12-13 weeks old. One I’m not sure exactly what she is and the other is an easter egger but I know it’s highly unlikely that...
  3. OrlandoMama

    Roo turken?

    Hi! I’m pretty sure this is a roo because of the comb size and colors compared to my other girls but I wanted to ask for a second opinion. Any thoughts? This is my first batch of turkens. Also long shot but any ideas with the silkie? *the cage is temporary, currently deep cleaning the brooder*
  4. OrlandoMama

    Does anyone know what type on chick these are?

    I already have a pair and I thought that at first too but the pics of prairies when they were babies compared to these look too different
  5. OrlandoMama

    Does anyone know what type on chick these are?

    There’s no feathered feet, so no to any brahma breeds lol
  6. OrlandoMama

    Does anyone know what type on chick these are?

    They’re both posted, just slightly different patterns, one is darker, and the darker one has a different comb.
  7. OrlandoMama

    Does anyone know what type on chick these are?

    Thank you ☺️ and No extra toes but the second one does have a different comb than the first and the feathers seem normal. They’re all just kinda going though the weird stage where they’re loosing the baby fluff. lol
  8. OrlandoMama

    Does anyone know what type on chick these are?

    I think you might be right on the wellsummer!!! None are supposed to crossed at all though but the one thing I noticed on the second chick despite different coloration was a different comb too.
  9. OrlandoMama

    Does anyone know what type on chick these are?

    I got three chicks to add to my flock and got two from an assorted rare breed brooder so I have an idea what they might be but still have no clue which one they exactly are. Does anyone have any idea from the list? I was able to figure out a little bit on my own through process of elimination...
  10. OrlandoMama

    A pair of ravens are hanging out by my chickens

    It started with just circling and then landing in the distance. Now every day a pair of Ravens are standing about 20ft from the coop just watching the chickens and they’re getting braver. The used to fly away as soon as they saw me but now they don’t care. I’m very nervous. Should I be worried...
  11. OrlandoMama

    Wrinkled and soft shelled eggs

    I just woke up this morning to 4 random soft shell eggs two in the run right next to each other by the gate and two out in the open in the coop next to each other. All were the same color. Plus I got my normal eggs today too of the same color. Is she okay?
  12. OrlandoMama

    Wrinkled and soft shelled eggs

    Thank you! I give them tons of crushed egg shells and always mix a bag of layer feed with all flock feed so they get the higher protein plus the added oyster shells directly in the feed. This is also the first wrinkled shell, all others have been soft shell so is it maybe starting to even out a bit?
  13. OrlandoMama

    Wrinkled and soft shelled eggs

    I’ve had a girl recently lay a bunch of soft shelled eggs and just found a wrinkled egg. I have an idea of who the suspect is but i’m not quite sure. It’s most likely my buff orpington who is 15/16 weeks and 4 days. I would assume that because she’s so young is why she’s having weird eggs but...
  14. OrlandoMama

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-13-21 Pic by JaeG

    I know I just wanted to add on for fun 😁
  15. OrlandoMama

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-20-21 Pic by Awakening Forest

    LOOK PAPA!!! I have ear hair like you!!
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