Recent content by Pater est Pullis

  1. Pater est Pullis

    What killed my girls?

    Well, after 3 weeks, finally got something on a cam. Strange, Raccoon's generally eat the head, last two kills the heads were intact. Now I have to find it's entry point, didn't catch on any other cams.
  2. Pater est Pullis

    What killed my girls?

    I'm going order a Pullet-Shut automatic door. To avoid anymore deaths if I get out there late.
  3. Pater est Pullis

    What killed my girls?

    Might be a small possum, don't think an adult could get in. I've see raccoon kills, this is different, I'm really curious at what it could be. Recent 3 deaths, figured first was an accident, body was wedged breast first under door ramp, head missing, but neck bones exposed, didn't look like a...
  4. Pater est Pullis

    What killed my girls?

    Coop doors were generally open, until second victim, last girl bought it because I got out there too late to close the doors. Last year predator incursion, raccoons, were summarily dispatched and breach points fixed. The coop and run are pre-existing, when we bought the property, I wouldn't have...
  5. Pater est Pullis

    What killed my girls?

    No blood evident anywhere, feathers all around, I'm leaning towards something in the weasel family. I've baited some traps and reset my cameras to see what it is.
  6. Pater est Pullis

    What killed my girls?

    Night kills, snatched from hen house, bodies found in enclosed run, with no obvious breaches.
  7. Pater est Pullis

    What killed my girls?

    Mystery beast has gotten 3 of my Hens. Seems like one, every Thursday, for past 3 weeks.
  8. Pater est Pullis


    My girls are, ISA Browns, mail ordered from TSC. I ordered 10, got 12, lost 1, and probably could have saved it (now that I'm more experienced, and stuff learned from BYC). Way more birds than I need, lesson learned, I could have purchased directly from TSC store, and if you catch them on...
  9. Pater est Pullis

    Fall-winter, molting and egg laying

    I don't know if it's a full on molt, their feathers are a bit bedraggled, my wife asked if they were fighting. No wounds, looks like molt to me, I'll try to snap some pix later. They're far from done.
  10. Pater est Pullis

    Fall-winter, molting and egg laying

    yep molting, I checked for bugs, the girls are healthy and bug free. Fall started really early, leaves started turning and falling a few weeks back, plus the stress of me being away a week here and there, and a hurricane to boot, I'm surprised they're laying at all. I have noticed a slight...
  11. Pater est Pullis

    Fall-winter, molting and egg laying

    My girls are a year old, Red Sex Links, they've already started to molt. my standard feed is a blend of 16% layer feed and a 22% super breeder. Oyster shells and grit is always available. I've upped their daily ration of BSS, so far no real egg production loss. When they were locked up in the...
  12. Pater est Pullis

    Has anyone tried growing potatoes in a bag?

    Well, the termites won, no potatoes, some remnants, but pretty much nothing left. I definitely like the potato bag concept, I'll be a bit more careful with my growing media next year, and run with it.
  13. Pater est Pullis

    Has anyone tried growing potatoes in a bag?

    I wound up going the chemical route, I'll give it a few doses of Sevin, and hope for the best come harvest time. :fl
  14. Pater est Pullis

    Help with dust bath

    I use a mix of peat moss, sand, wood ash with a bit of DE, my girls love it
  15. Pater est Pullis

    Has anyone tried growing potatoes in a bag?

    I was thinking using a boric acid bait I made (boric acid, rice flour, karo syrup), should be ok, if I don't over do it. Thoughts?
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