Recent content by Paula321

  1. Paula321

    Swollen red abdomen

    My 4 year old hen has a red swollen abdomen. I soaked her in warm epsom salts. Her vent isn’t red or swollen. Any thoughts on what this is? I fed her an egg and water and she gobbled it up. Her waddles are still red. I have her separated. She seemed fine yesterday. Here is a picture of poop...
  2. Paula321

    Sudden death of EE (easter egger) hen

    My first chicken just reached almost 4 years old and died today. She was my favorite and I’m definitely grieving. Im comforted that she lived an amazing life. As the oldest of a 27 hen flock, she was one of the top hens but never bullied. Her name was Roostie since she waited until 12 months old...
  3. Paula321

    Feeding Chickens for Free

    Thank you!! I’ll look into that
  4. Paula321

    Protecting Chickens From Hawks With Safety Zones

    I would love that but can’t have a rooster without my neighbors permission and they aren’t giving it.
  5. Paula321

    Why don't my chicken eat fodder?

    I had meat birds who disliked pasture because they didn’t see it until week 3.
  6. Paula321

    Protecting Chickens From Hawks With Safety Zones

    Oh yeah. It’s up there!
  7. Paula321

    Protecting Chickens From Hawks With Safety Zones

    Absolutely! Or be willing to immediately net the top if hawks are your only problem. I’m going to plant a bunch more figs at my waterline. They are so branchy it would be a very difficult divebomb for hawks but the clover would still get all kinds of light.
  8. Paula321

    Protecting Chickens From Hawks With Safety Zones

    This makes sense except they have become pets to me now. I would definitely feel this way about the meaties but would lose my mind to lose one if my little ladies.
  9. Paula321

    Protecting Chickens From Hawks With Safety Zones

    This looks like a great setup!
  10. Paula321

    Protecting Chickens From Hawks With Safety Zones

    You’re welcome. I’ve heard great ideas for deterring hawks.
  11. Paula321

    Protecting Chickens From Hawks With Safety Zones

    You’re welcome. Ok
  12. Paula321

    Official BYC Poll: How Many Square Feet Per Chicken?

    1. 14 per bird inside their coop. They only stay in the coop to sleep. There is no food or nesting boxes in the coop. 2. 1400 square foot secured run is used only for a broody mama and babies. It is currently unused. 2. 1894 feet per each of 23 hens free range in a bit more than a fenced acre.
  13. Paula321

    Protecting Chickens From Hawks With Safety Zones

    I spent years evaluating risk for a living before I retired to my dream life as a farmer. I guess the threat analysis is still on my brain because I look at my hens' safety much like a risk assessment. I started with the strategic goal of having very happy hens who do not feel threatened, live...
  14. Paula321

    Any advice on deciding between these breeds?

    I have several breeds and the buff Orpingtons are somewhat in the middle of the pecking order but they never pick on anyone whether my lowest hens or even the chicks. My three hens are super sweet and very affectionate. My Easter Eggers (Ameracaunas) are all at the bottom of my order and are...
  15. Paula321

    Very high mortality rates with my chicks

    I’m sorry you are going through this. I had several meat bird deaths last year and it was so upsetting. Hang in there. I hope you can figure it out so you can go on to have healthy peeps in the future.
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