Recent content by pebbltree

  1. pebbltree

    Pipd's Peeps!

    hi! I think it was ECSandCCFS or something along those lines? I used to have so much fun watching the batches of babies grow up :]
  2. pebbltree

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh, I used to lurk on this thread years ago, 2015-2016 I wanna say? I got a new account and was so delighted to see it's still around, I hope everything is going well for you :frow
  3. pebbltree

    Chicken fell in water

    Is it cold where you are? chickens are usually able to take getting wet alright, they can even swim a bit like ducks if need be. Mine would be a little sluggish after I bathed them, but after a couple hours of drying in the sun would be running around just fine.
  4. pebbltree

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I kept killing all my succulents until I was looking after a friend's house while they were out of town, and they just asked me to water them by spraying them once a week with a little bottle sprayer. I had definitely been overwatering mine :oops:
  5. pebbltree

    Rudd Ranger or Something Else

    I've heard about some folks getting the wrong chickens from TSC before, and it sounds like your other birds did end up being rudd rangers, so I'd say that a bielefelder somehow ended up in the bin. He's a very pretty big guy, I'd say you were lucky with that guy
  6. pebbltree

    Our new baby chicks

    oh my gosh, they're so precious!
  7. pebbltree

    Your 2024 Garden

    I'm getting antsy to get things in the ground, it keeps getting warmer but I'm always afraid to plant until the first week of April or so, I feel like there's always one last frost right when I think it's safe. I'm planning to make a lot of tomato sauce and pickles this year, and trying out...
  8. pebbltree

    Polish or crevecoeur chick

    agreed he looks like a polish to me :]
  9. pebbltree

    Any help?

    If you're referring to the very light one in the front (my apologies, i'm a bit color-blind and can't tell the color well), it looks to have puffy cheeks, which are pretty common in easter eggers, or ameraucanas :)
  10. pebbltree

    Animals in Clay

    wow, these are so beautiful!!
  11. pebbltree


    They're hens! If they are plymouth rocks (which they look to be) roosters would also have a lot more white in the feathering as well as more long, curved feathers, and larger combs and wattles
  12. pebbltree

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    o/ hello! i've been lurking in here a little while, used to be part of the site like 10 years ago and lost my account. when i came back i wandered over here and found this thread and got excited to see other lgbtq people chatting and wanted to say hi :frow
  13. pebbltree

    Pest Control

    We haven't had problems yet, but we usually ask pest control to avoid the chicken coop and the area around it just to be safe. Birds are a little more susceptible to ill effects from breathing in chemicals, so I'm a little extra cautious, but they should be ok when they're older, especially if...
  14. pebbltree

    What breed?

    If i had to guess, I'd say that he has some Dorking in him, but probably not purebred, it doesn't look like he has the 5 toes typical of dorkings
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