Recent content by peigic

  1. peigic

    Frontline ???

    I'll check it out, thanks!
  2. peigic

    Frontline ???

    Just curious, what is the source of your information? P.
  3. peigic

    Brookline NH (near Milford) iso bantam cochin hens

    Hey gang it's Peigi here. Looking for 2 mottled cochin bantam hens, no rooster, sorry. Don't really care what age, I just like them. please let me know! I need them little round feather girls! Peigi Chace
  4. peigic

    pigeon questions.

    I have a question. This is my first year keeping them. As soon as it got colder, they started flying a lot less/staying in a lot more. Is this normal? Also, New England Pigeon Supply says I need to worm them (duh) but only sells AVIO-EKTO/ENDO+ tablets. I'm supposed to grab each bird and...
  5. peigic

    Frontline ???

    Hey, how many of these eggs do you think I have to eat before I don't get ticks either? P.
  6. peigic

    Frontline ???

    Quote: Oh duh, I reread it through the end. Now I gots it.
  7. peigic

    Frontline ???

    Running down the path of assumptions (part of the paving of the road to heck, I'm sure): -- I can't imagine the chicken is distributing oils from preening by licking them and spitting them out. They've gotta be just rubbing the beak in there, yes? P.
  8. peigic

    Frontline ???

    BodhiRoc, great analysis, thank you so much! Being a Recovering English Major (ok, with a love of biological sciences but not much background), I can follow your math a little hazily, but I would be interested in your take on this: One of the foundational assumptions in the calculations is...
  9. peigic

    Frontline ???

    It's not on the manufacturer's site because they don't make a poultry version, so using it on your birds is an off-label use. Therefore effectiveness is anecdotal and doses are experimental. If you're using it -- You're winging it. Anyway, here's an update. I used two drops on the head of...
  10. peigic

    Frontline ???

    I used dog. I used the little plastic snap-open package it came in, and am storing the rest in a small dropper vial. I put 1-2 drops on the head of a 4-lb polish hen. The web site says the product does not expire when stored in its packaging at room temperature, so I'm assuming (again) that...
  11. peigic

    Frontline ???

    Quote: Some people use it... but it's not labeled for Poultry and only works if applied directly to the skin. That's because this medication is carried in the bloodstream. That pretty much rules out meaties & egg layers for human consumption. And that's not even getting into the potentially...
  12. peigic

    How (and why) raise pigeons

    Can I keep a pair of pigeons in the chicken yard with my bantam hens? We have lots of room. Would I have to have separate housing? Thanks! Peigi
  13. peigic

    Chickenstock fiesta yardsale August 21

    Hi Everyone! I'll be at the ChickenStock if it's next Sunday, for sure. On the "wanted" list, I'm still looking for a buff brahma or two, and a bantam barred rock (pullets/hens only). Please PM me if you have those, would love to pick them up. Thanks! Peigi
  14. peigic

    Looking for Heritage Chicken Breeders in or near New Hampshire

    I'm in Southern NH and looking for (hens only): Std: Silver Laced Polish; Bantam: Mille Fleur D'Uccle; Buff Brahma; and Barred Rock. Anyone with any leads, please help! Thanks so much! Peigi p.s., if this isn't an OK use of the thread or forums, please let me know -- I'm new here...
  15. peigic

    Which Hatchery to Choose?

    Is there anybody other than MyPetChicken that will ship me fewer than 25? Thanks! Peigi
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