Recent content by pekinsRus

  1. pekinsRus

    Rouen Duck thread

    I always thought ALL the "wild" ducks I have ever seen were called Mallards. Rouen ducks look just like them. Do Rouens fly? I will Thank you now & I look forward to your knowledge regarding these two kinds of ducks!
  2. pekinsRus

    My crazy drake

    I JUST can't stop everything & walk him around at 6am.
  3. pekinsRus

    Pekin Ducks

  4. pekinsRus

    my crazy drake Spring season 2

    Thank You for your help.
  5. pekinsRus

    my crazy drake Spring season 2

    I believe it is protective behavior & it starts in the Spring. I would like to find them a home together, make a farm with other fowl around
  6. pekinsRus

    my crazy drake Spring season 2

    I am not even supposed to have them, so I cannot get more.
  7. pekinsRus

    my crazy drake Spring season 2

    It is just him & her
  8. pekinsRus

    my crazy drake Spring season 2

  9. pekinsRus

    my crazy drake Spring season 2

    Please help me. he is worse this year & bit me with success today
  10. pekinsRus

    My crazy drake

    Having same problem with Walter this Spring. He bit me today successfully. He chased me last week & Gwen ran after him & now has bumble foot-that I am treating. I want to find them a good home. I cannot do this anymore.
  11. pekinsRus

    My crazy drake

    We have a pair of Pekins. One boy, Arthur & one girl, Gwen Walter is loco ! He is a great mate for Gwen ! Watches her while she forages, let's her eat first, even will give up 1/2 a worm to her! BUT he won't stop attempting,to chase us & peck us. We have done all the holding down, flipping...
  12. pekinsRus

    Post Your Pekin duck pics here

  13. pekinsRus

    Ducklings outside???

    USUALLY FOR PEKINS AT 6+ weeks. If you can see them preening & more of them is now white & not yellow, then they are in their molting phase. Just like everyone is different, so are all Pekins. :) We knew from our other Pekins they were 1 day old whenever we got them from a friend. The ones we...
  14. pekinsRus

    Ducklings outside???

    in PA my pekin babes stay in until their first molt & a safe secure pen & run are available. They do come outside to play or swim in their pool if we are right with them & PA has a good weather day.
  15. pekinsRus

    Questions about raising pekin ducklings!

    Hi, Because Pekins are White & they cannot fly, they are sure to be prey! Pekins can be set up to live outside after they are 6+ weeks old. Usually by then they have molted their yellow baby duck feathers. char
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