Recent content by persimmongoat

  1. persimmongoat

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    i have really enjoyed my marans i got them from a local breeder, there were alot of roos in the bunch one has turned out to be very special hes friendly even brings me treats bugs and such,im afraid as far as breeding standards go others whove seen him tell me hes not up to par because of his...
  2. persimmongoat

    They won't go inside at night!!

    theyre like human teenagers at those ages, they just like to push your buttons, from raising our chickens theyve done that to us also, a good perch for them to roost at night,feeding schedule, meal worm treats are pretty irresistable,I use a long tree branch and slowly coax them in, chickens are...
  3. persimmongoat

    frazzle chickens

    thanks for the frazzle info iam going to try the blue search engine bar
  4. persimmongoat

    frazzle chickens

    i bought some bantam cochins 3 were frizzled they were young fuzzy chicks however now they are feathering pretty good and one is severely frazzled ive read about these chickens and how it happens i dont know the care and keep involved we are attatched to the chick and will keep it but any info...
  5. persimmongoat

    Breeding Frizzles

    Quote: silkies
  6. persimmongoat

    Raising Baby Chicks - Notable Topic Index - Please Review

    Quote: theyll be fine most likely the problem might come up if one of the baby chicks grows up a rooster the original roosters might give him a hard time its just a natural thing they do
  7. persimmongoat

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    i love collecting eggs every day i feel so proud of my girls the eggs are always good:D
  8. persimmongoat

    What are these hens?

    i think they are a black sex link mix did they have any white on them when they were babies like under there chin
  9. persimmongoat

    Sex- linked Information

    sorry to say my earlier quote was incorrect,so sorry iam still learning iam sure what happened was only coincidence:(
  10. persimmongoat

    Playing Possom

    a possum came in my coop the other night it attacked one of my sweet little silkie hens,she was weak from sitting for 20 days and therefore was not on the roost with other chickens anyway for some reason the 3 silkies snuggle together at night away from other chickens,but she got hurt he bit...
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