Recent content by PicoFarm

  1. PicoFarm

    Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

    Happy 2024! Dining in style. Le menu: shrimp ceviche quiche with side of croissant/banana.
  2. PicoFarm

    Seasoning Chicken Litter Compost

    Great resource. Thanks! Looking at high Nitrogen materials, maybe I'll just have my son pee outside on the compost pile. HA!
  3. PicoFarm

    Seasoning Chicken Litter Compost

    How long does it take for chicken litter to "season" in the midwest? Eg."cook" until ready for amending garden soil?
  4. PicoFarm

    Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

    Most excellent signature line.
  5. PicoFarm

    Reforming an aggressive rooster (project)

    This makes sense to me. I have one Roo who is a super dog fighter and hen defender, but unfortunately also a human fighter. Not willing to cede the property to him, he will be butchered in 12 weeks or so. That's when I'll be able to tell which of my straight-run chicks are also roosters.
  6. PicoFarm

    Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

    Unrelated note - Such a nice fellow. Kinda feel guilty for sucking him into the Chicken Vortex. <insert evil laugh here>
  7. PicoFarm

    Neighbor's Dog Killed Suzie, my old hen

    sorry for your loss.... Get it in writing that your neighbor will buy you chicks next year and expectation it can't happen again.
  8. PicoFarm

    Heat Stroke?!

    Is she still alive? I lost a pea-comb rooster yesterday (heat index 110). He had shade, water, breeze, food. He was ok at 1:30p when I checked on everyone and refreshed waters. Dead at 8:30pm when I got home :(
  9. PicoFarm

    in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

    2023: "Women cannot survive on chickens alone; they also need goats." This is Pebbles and she makes my ❤️ happy.
  10. PicoFarm

    Mini goats?

    They say chickens are the gateway drug, and so far I find no evidence to the contrary. I'd like to get goats and sheep, but I'll need more space to make that work.
  11. PicoFarm

    Mini goats?

    Did you end up getting them? How are they adjusting? A friend had 8 kids born in January. This is one of the Nigerian dwarfs ("Pebbles"). Her mom wasn't real interested so she's a bottle baby. She's the cutest little squish!
  12. PicoFarm

    Mini goats?

    :lovevery nice
  13. PicoFarm

    Mini goats?

  14. PicoFarm

    Happy to join the flock

    Welcome, PrairieStormChick! Congrats on your new Americaunas ❤️
  15. PicoFarm

    in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

    Reminder about chicken math: don't listen to the 'haters.' If chickens float your boat, get a boat-load of them. The key to your happiness is in your own pocket...
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