Recent content by Pippin quail

  1. Pippin quail

    Advice on helping this chick or culling

    That's amazing! Little Peek-a-boo has found a new flock. My broilers don't care that he's got an injury, they're just happy he's sharing food with them. I'll just have to kick them out periodically and make sure he doesn't starve!
  2. Pippin quail

    Is this a pullet or cockerel??

    Not sure if these are helpful. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also have a couple other grey cockerels and pullets and I figured they were all part lavender Orpington. No idea where else the lavender color would have come from. I have no other grey chickens and all the eggs I hatched were from my own hens and roosters...
  3. Pippin quail

    Advice on helping this chick or culling

    I don't really want him if he's a cockerel, I already have 10 I need to butcher this week or next. But my youngest daughter does! She named him "Peek-a-boo" and therefore he's her chick and she says I can't just kill him until he's old enough to eat. So that's that! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Here's why his name is...
  4. Pippin quail

    Advice on helping this chick or culling

    They might be. The other chicks are definitely all smaller than him. I thought maybe she just wanted him out of the nest, but still doesn't make sense why she'd hurt him so bad. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  5. Pippin quail

    Is this a pullet or cockerel??

    Hm, very interesting..I also have a buff/lavender Orpington. Could she be the mom? Or I should just give up trying to figure out all my crazy mixes 🤣
  6. Pippin quail

    Is this a pullet or cockerel??

    Where does the lavender coloring come from then? I have a lavender Orpington hen and had a barred rock rooster and a lavender rooster at the time I think. Did end up with a lot of black chicks in that hatch. I'm confused about chicken genetics! Lol
  7. Pippin quail

    Is this a pullet or cockerel??

    Also, the first bird is not a purebred barred rock. So not sure if that makes a difference or you can still tell she's a pullet. Haha
  8. Pippin quail

    Is this a pullet or cockerel??

    I think it's a lavender Orpington mixed with a barred rock. Hence the weird yellow legs and some faint barring on the tail. My daughter says he's getting pointy hackle feathers but it's hard to tell in pictures. And very thick legs. But way smaller size and comb/wattles than the other for sure...
  9. Pippin quail

    Advice on helping this chick or culling

    Thanks! I'll keep it clean and slathered with ointment. I don't know if you can tell, but the skin is fully removed on the back, not just the feathers... 😬 And the weird thing is that she's been a great mama since she took in 6 chicks 3-4 weeks ago. Yesterday she was clucking for the other 5 to...
  10. Pippin quail

    Is this a pullet or cockerel??

    I can try and get better pictures later. The lavender one has huge legs. I don't know if it's a cockerel thing or just a really weird pullet. He/she walks a lot different than the hens...
  11. Pippin quail

    Is this a pullet or cockerel??

    They are about 4.5 months or so.
  12. Pippin quail

    Advice on helping this chick or culling

    Hi there, I have a 4ish week old chick who had its neck skin and feathers removed by it's adopted mother. First of all, why would a hen do that to her own chick? And second of all, is it fair to him to try and heal him up or should I cull him? He looks very obviously cockerel to me, which means...
  13. Pippin quail

    Is this a pullet or cockerel??

    I am pretty sure this is a pullet, don't see any rooster feathers. Just want to make sure! She all of a sudden has such a big red comb and wattles. Does that just mean she's close to laying?? The chicken in question Another pullet of the same age And a cockerel, also the same age. Also...
  14. Pippin quail

    Cockerels or pullets??

    As I suspected. Thanks for the help. I may or may not be back with pictures of my 12 latest chicks in a month or two. I'm assuming it will be easier to sex my 6 purebred Bresse chicks since they're all the same breed. I also have 6 svart Hona/salmon faverolles mixes. Hoping for at least half...
  15. Pippin quail

    Cockerels or pullets??

    As I suspected! 🙌🙌 Yay!
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