Recent content by plaidpantsuit

  1. plaidpantsuit

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    I would say 10 weeks? At the oldest. No pointy hackles yet, or roo behavior
  2. plaidpantsuit

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Not sure, over 8 weeks tho
  3. plaidpantsuit

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Not sure, over 8 weeks tho
  4. plaidpantsuit

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Whatcha'll think? Thanks!
  5. plaidpantsuit

    Review by 'plaidpantsuit' in article 'The Chicken World's Worst Chore, culling the injured and sick babies.'

    Sooo helpful, thank you! I would note to be certain to choose a container large enough for the air to circulate. Your example was great! But I choose a small Tupperware thinking it was enough for a 3 day old chick, and it was too cramped for her to remain dry. I felt terrible, even though I...
  6. plaidpantsuit

    NEW Chicken Quarantine period.

    Yes, I agree with previous posters, the full quarantine treatment is rarely used. Separate coops, sufficiently downwind, different clothes, bleaching stations, daily exams and notes, etc, etc. So much work. Very expensive or rare birds, a very large flock, or beloved pet birds that you...
  7. plaidpantsuit

    How do i "recreate" them?

    ....for future readers, this breed is available at Greenfire Farms (online)
  8. plaidpantsuit

    can a quail cross with a chicken? or is she pulling a fast one on me?

    This is an old thread, but looks like the other half might be an Irish Flarry-eyed Grey. It's a toppy (crested) gamefowl out of Ireland.
  9. plaidpantsuit

    Pullets or Cockerels? Icelandic

    Icelandic, about 4 months old. Thanks!
  10. plaidpantsuit

    Did a Dumb Thing, now we've got Marek's, cull or no?

    Thanks for the link! I use all flock feed and oyster shell supplement on the side for my birds. But these new teenagers may have been raised on layer feed from birth, and that much calcium can lead to the same symptoms as not enough calcium, correct? Is that what Merck's is saying? So to...
  11. plaidpantsuit

    Did a Dumb Thing, now we've got Marek's, cull or no?

    Decided to treat for rickets, possibly hypercalcemia, before Mareks. I learned the previous owners may have had them on layer feed from birth. Ordered water soluble D from Amazon. While I'm waiting, does anyone know if any Vitamin D is better than no Vitamin D? I have regular Vit D softgels...
  12. plaidpantsuit

    Did a Dumb Thing, now we've got Marek's, cull or no?

    Thanks Eggcessive! I know video is so much more helpful then words, I don't have anything capable of taking video at the moment, sadly. So you recommend wait and see. If they recover, do you know how to tell if it was Mareks or something nutritional?
  13. plaidpantsuit

    Too much of a good thing?

    Babies raised by a mama hen will naturally ingest some of her fecal material while foraging, this is beneficial because the pre- and pro- biotics it contains can prepare their immune systems for the variety of food they will encounter. Chicks raised in a brooder do not have this little...
  14. plaidpantsuit

    Healthiest Chicken Breeds?

    More unsolicited tips: I found that just choosing one or two breeds was easiest healthwise, with highly mixed flocks, I spent a lot of time researching and treating health issues, some that looked different depending on each member. Once I narrowed my breeds down a bit, the same thing usually...
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