Recent content by Plant Mom

  1. Plant Mom

    Nurture right 360 cover

    To stabilize the temp
  2. Plant Mom

    Silkie colors and breeding

    I keep confusing splash with paint. 😶
  3. Plant Mom

    Nurture right 360 cover

    Does anyone have instructions on how to crochet a cover for the nurture right 360 Incubator. They sell on etsy for $30 but I'd really like to make my own.
  4. Plant Mom

    How To Breed Chocolate Paint Silkies

    How far did the eggs have to travel? I'm in Texas but those chocolate paints are beautiful
  5. Plant Mom

    Are there any chocolate colored chicken breeds?

    I have a chocolate silkie hen
  6. Plant Mom

    Silkie colors and breeding

    I hatched 6 eggs and I got 2 splash males, 1 blue male, 1 chocolate female and 2 of these. One is black with a gold neck and the other is brown with a gold neck and I believe they are both males as well. What can I breed the chocolate female to?
  7. Plant Mom

    Chilled chick sneezing

    I gave them the recover 911 I found at Walmart, its a water additive and she seems to be doing fine today. Sorry for the late response. Thank you for answering
  8. Plant Mom

    Chilled chick sneezing

    The bedding flooded and one of the chicks now sounds gurgling when it's breathing and is sneezing. Is there anything I can do for her? She is one week old
  9. Plant Mom

    Look at the silkies i just hatched!

    Any ideas on color?
  10. Plant Mom

    Is this a blood ring?

    Day 9 candling
  11. Plant Mom

    Which way do i point the eggs?

    I have this incubator, do I do pointy end in or out???
  12. Plant Mom

    Whos the mama?

    Just thought I'd add pics even though we figured it out
  13. Plant Mom

    Whos the mama?

    Cool thank you
  14. Plant Mom

    Whos the mama?

    The red pyle is a hen and the only roo is a black cochin.
  15. Plant Mom

    Whos the mama?

    I'll get pics tomorrow, sorry it's been a busy day
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