Recent content by pntdhorses

  1. pntdhorses

    Rooster has poop clogging vent

    I have had a ongoing problem with mostly roosters in that they seem to get a adult version of pasty butt. Their poop hardens and clogs their vents. I had two little D’uccle roosters die last year. And I currently have 3 more roosters that I have to constantly monitor and bathe to remove the poop...
  2. pntdhorses

    Need insight on anyone that has experienced Blackhead

    Thanks! Have read everything I can but haven’t seen anything stating they pass as fast as she did. That’s why I’m looking for anyone that has experienced a turkey die of Blackhead.
  3. pntdhorses

    Need insight on anyone that has experienced Blackhead

    So today I lost a two month old Royal Palm turkey Poult to what my vet said was probably blackhead. she literally was fine up until this morning when she was lethargic and started having mustard colored poops. No signs of any illness before this morning. She and her sister were hatched by my...
  4. pntdhorses

    Raw Apple Cider for mites?

    Has anyone ever sprayed Raw Apple Cider directly on chickens that have mites. I tried it for the first time and it actually seems to kill them! I sprayed directly on the mites.
  5. pntdhorses

    Help, Can’t get rid of mites off of Rooster

    He is doing soooo much better today. Eating and drinking on his own. He is ACTUALLY taking a dust bath which delights me! Upon inspection this morning, did not see mites on him but there were some dead ones in the tub. I will keep him in for probably about 3 more days as I will spray him with...
  6. pntdhorses

    Help, Can’t get rid of mites off of Rooster

    No, I haven’t. But he seems to have not lost an extreme amount of weight. He is weak which I’m sure the anemia has a lot to do with that. The good news is I put him in our courtyard today as it’s a beautiful warm day. He actually ate some scratch, some grubblies and some peas. And he’s walking...
  7. pntdhorses

    Help, Can’t get rid of mites off of Rooster

    I have given h i have given him that. And I honestly don’t know if I should keep giving him the Kaytee baby bird feed every feeding because it has a lot of vitamins. Maybe I’m doing more harm than good? But that is the only thing I can get down him.
  8. pntdhorses

    Help, Can’t get rid of mites off of Rooster

    I put towels down in the bathroom tub for him. Change the towels daily and wash out the tub daily. I see very few mites in the tub when I clean it out so it’s not like our house is crawling with I’ve already sprayed down the area in the barn where he stays, sprinkled First Saturday...
  9. pntdhorses

    Help, Can’t get rid of mites off of Rooster

    Yes, brand name. And I use it 2 teaspoons to a quart in a spray bottle. That is according to the instruction sheet they sent me.
  10. pntdhorses

    Help, Can’t get rid of mites off of Rooster

    I have a Frizzle Polish Roo that had a bad mite infestation. I’ve tried everything that I can think of to rid them from him but after almost 2 weeks he still has them. Not as bad so I’m obviously killing some but I can’t believe I can’t get rid of these things! He was very weak and mostly likely...
  11. pntdhorses

    Who has Midnight Mystic Marans?

    Luckily I have found someone to take them. I feel incredibly guilty as they are the sweetest, mellow little babies. I just CANNOT have any more Roos!!!
  12. pntdhorses

    Who has Midnight Mystic Marans?

    I called one of the hatcheries that breeds them. The guy told me that the cockerels have white dots on their heads. That’s what mine have. Also the Roos are barred. These little guys are already getting barring.
  13. pntdhorses

    Who has Midnight Mystic Marans?

    So I had a weak moment at the feed store today which I’m thinking I’m really gonna regret. They had 3 remaining chicks labeled Mystic Marans which I had never heard off. There are probably a little over a week old. Going by there very pale and small combs and wing feathers, I’m thinking I could...
  14. pntdhorses

    Starlight Green Eggers

    I got a couple of these girls this summer. Never heard of them before. They are the friendliest little girls. And very curious. Always have to be right by me when I’m cleaning out the coop.
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