Recent content by PNWhens

  1. PNWhens

    Newborn chick, should I remove poop from Butt?

    Here is a brighter photo of that helps, thank you
  2. PNWhens

    Newborn chick, should I remove poop from Butt?

    She is chirping and kicking just fine, but has some sack and what appears to maybe be poop? Still attached to her behind. Should I remove? It is getting tangled in her feet when she tries to stand
  3. PNWhens

    Did this chick hatch prematurely?

    Had an okay hatch rate, but one of them never moved after it’s initial pip and I have a feeling it was unable to breath and died. But when I examed the chick, it looks to be underdeveloped. There is a whole ball on the bottom of its stomach Apologies for the graphic image
  4. PNWhens

    Is this hatching chick okay? Photo attached

    One chick is hatching fine, but I am unsure if this one is making any sound, and there has been no progress for the past hours. And it looks almost blood/foamy. Appreciate all the help, I am a new Hatcher but have chickens
  5. PNWhens

    Hatching right now, HELP!

    Thank you all. Looks like it is going well as I can tell now. My daughter is even talking to them to encourage them
  6. PNWhens

    Hatching right now, HELP!

    It looks as if the shell is broken a little, but there is no beak to be seen. I can here them, but is the membrane stuck over and should I intervene?
  7. PNWhens

    Hatching right now, HELP!

    Good morning, I have a few eggs that are in an incubator with little holes that they have broken through and begun the hatch process. The humidity is only 24%, is this bad, should I open the incubator and add more water?! I didn’t think they would hatch because it’s late for them and now I am...
  8. PNWhens

    Barred rock, female or male?

    I know people probably post a ton of these, but you folks seem like the experts so here I am. I have a barred rock chick, now about 4 weeks old. I believe him to be a rooster, but am unsure. They are larger than my other 2 chicks of the same age by quite alot, and they stand tall with a large...
  9. PNWhens

    Hatching eggs arrived in the mail, must I wait a bit before placing them into the incubator?

    Thank you all. I’ve raised chickens but never eggs, great to learn
  10. PNWhens

    Hatching eggs arrived in the mail, must I wait a bit before placing them into the incubator?

    Good morning, I just received some eggs from from Meyer's Hatchery. On their website it says to wait 12 hours to place eggs into incubator upon receipt of shipment. What is the reason for this? When i opened the box, they felt cold to the touch and it worried me a bit. They are Buff Orpington...
  11. PNWhens

    Only half of hens are laying?

    Good morning all, I have 4 rhode island reds, a little over 20 weeks old. I get 2 eggs a day, so that leads me to the assumption that only 2 are currently laying. Have the other ones just not caught up yet? It’s winter here in Washington if that could have an effect but there are still eggs so...
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