Recent content by PolentaDragon

  1. PolentaDragon

    Comment by 'PolentaDragon' in item 'Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator'

    There is a method for calibrating a hygrometer using a bag of salt (really! - you can search for it on here), which would possibly save you some grief - the humidity is just as important as the temperature throughout the hatch, and depending on your hatching method it needs to increase...
  2. PolentaDragon

    Returning wounded chick to coop

    Short version: Any advice on returning a chick treated for a wound to his buddies? Does it need to be completely healed - it's been blued with food coloring - before he goes back, or should I try to get him back in as soon as possible to avoid a rejection issue from keeping him out too long? How...
  3. PolentaDragon

    Comment by 'PolentaDragon' in item 'Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator'

    Sorry, I guess I should clarify. Mine was actually an OctagonAdvance, and I had borrowed it from a friend who had - quite a while previously - used it for a successful hatch. I wasn't necessarily faulting Brinsea (except that they make such a statement out of how amazingly accurate their...
  4. PolentaDragon

    Comment by 'PolentaDragon' in item 'Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator'

    I learned the hard way as well that you should always calibrate both the thermometer and hygrometer on your incubator. They do suggest in the manual that it should be done about every two years. but it also says: "BE CAUTIOUS OF LOW COST ANALOGUE OR DIGITAL THERMOMETERS AND HYGROMETERS. BRINSEA...
  5. PolentaDragon

    putting 3 week old chicks outside?

    Infrared laser temperature gun?! That's a thing?! That's awesome! You've gone a long way to alleviate my concerns about moving them outside - it's no where near that cold here. I think we'll be fine. Thanks so much for sharing
  6. PolentaDragon

    Fermented feed for chicks

    Thanks everyone
  7. PolentaDragon

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them? then? I just wanted to make sure, because I've heard they need grit if you feed ANYTHING other than starter or egg. Thanks!
  8. PolentaDragon

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Sorry, I mean, if you use chick starter to make the fermented feed, do you need to provide grit with it? I have some fermented feed ready to go, but I wanted to make sure first - and I don't have any grit.
  9. PolentaDragon

    putting 3 week old chicks outside?

    Just wondering how your chicks made out, and what you ended up doing up for draft-proofing/heating. Since mine are in the basement I'd like to get them outside as soon as possible, because I'm not really crazy about having the house smell like a hamster cage. I think it still gets down to about...
  10. PolentaDragon

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Do you need to feed grit with the fermented starter?
  11. PolentaDragon

    Fermented feed for chicks

    Hi - got a few questions about using fermented feed: 1. I've head of people fermenting regular chick starter - has anyone here tried this, did the chicks like it? 2. Should they be a certain age before trying it? 3. Do you need to add grit? (Since it's made from the starter, I wouldn't...
  12. PolentaDragon

    Comment by 'PolentaDragon' in item 'Orpington'

    I for one appreciate your honesty describing your personal experience. Having had my first choice fail in the incubator, I'm having to start all over researching the remaining choices available to us, and I don't just want to hear the the positives. I'm sure every breed has its flaws, at least...
  13. PolentaDragon

    Lockdown Humidity Help Needed

    Still nothing. Every once in while I hear (or imagine that I hear) some unfamiliar noise at night and I leap right out of bed and race to the incubator and - big fat nothing. So it's Day 23. Stupid home springing eternal ...
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