Recent content by porchdawg71

  1. P

    Hen laying soft shelled eggs

    My chickens are 15 months old and have been laying since they were 16 weeks old. They lay normal eggs nearly everyday. Until now. They go a few days without laying anything and then lay a soft shell egg. 1 has died, I suspect from something related to the soft shelled egg laying. Now the others...
  2. P

    Hen eating eggs

    The floor is covered with wood flakes. It's fairly soft and about 3 to 4 inches deep. I have had a couple of fake eggs in the coop for about a week now, but it doesn't appear to be having an effect on her.
  3. P

    Hen eating eggs

    I have a 5 month old hen that is eating her eggs. The entire egg, inside and the shell, but she doesn't bother the other hens eggs. I've researched causes for this but nothing seems to apply. They get fresh water twice a day and it is always full. They never run out of food. They are feed a...
  4. P

    Chickens eating too much grit

    Thanks for the tip about the water. Tried it this morning and couldn't believe what I was seeing. They normally pick at the feed all day and will maybe eat 1 ounce of it. I put the mash mixture in there and after a very deliberate taste test, it was a full scale attack on the dish. Heads bobbing...
  5. P

    Chickens eating too much grit

    It's Dumor poultry grit, insoluble crushed granite for adult birds.
  6. P

    Chickens eating too much grit

    It's Dumor poultry grit, insoluble crushed granite for adult birds.
  7. P

    Chickens eating too much grit

    First time chicken keeper with a question about grit. First, some background. I have 3 hens that are 17 weeks old. They live in a coop with attached run that total is 4' x 20'. The floor is dirt with a light covering of wood flakes. Everyday they are feed 12 to 13 ounces of layer crumbles ( yes...
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