Recent content by Possumpoint

  1. Possumpoint

    Why is it almost impossible to peel farm fresh boiled eggs?

    I'm sorry, can't for the life of me remember who posted this tip on here, but I use my steamer to cook my fresh yard eggs and I've never had a problem peeling them. Works every time!
  2. Possumpoint

    My son's first hunting trip - pics

    Oh wow, these are the memories your son will cherish all his life. Great pic, great hunt. Way to go!!
  3. Possumpoint

    my dil is in labor YEE HAWW

    Oh, how exciting! I know the feeling all to well as I have 5 beautiful, wild as billy goats, grandbabies. CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to see pics of the new little angel!
  4. Possumpoint


    Have a safe and fun trip. See ya on the flip side!
  5. Possumpoint

    South Georgia, Berrien County, Nashville

    Hi, and welcome aboard from Beautiful Coastal Georgia! I'm about 12 miles inland from Darien, out in the tick woods, five miles from the Barrinton river and 2 miles from the swamp.
  6. Possumpoint

    anybody remember snow blizzard of 1993 here in the south

    I'm wondering if we will get any this winter.
  7. Possumpoint

    Lipstick's Kidding Post -- **UPDATE WE'RE IN LABOR PEOPLE!!**

    Yep, it's nerve racking, that's for sure. Just take deep breaths and exhale, it will all be O.K., grandma, LOL. she delivers really soon so you can relax a bit and get on with the : when they are born. LOL, I know the feeling well.
  8. Possumpoint

    Thought I would share a holiday photo

    Quote: With the caption underneath saying "Santa, fill it up!"
  9. Possumpoint

    Thought I would share a holiday photo

    LOL, this would make a perfect December calendar photo! Awww, gotta love that face!
  10. Possumpoint

    Looked what found my farm

    Awwww, now see, I'd consider this a most fantastic Christmas present and look up and thank God not only for the gift, but also for trusting me and giving me the wisdom and loving heart to accept it with open arms. ChickenToes: Oh man, you really received a blessing too! God bless you all!
  11. Possumpoint

    The 'MOM SONG' ...hysterical

    This cracks me up every time I see or hear it!
  12. Possumpoint

    There are still really cool people out there.

    This is proof that chicken lovers have big, mushy hearts!
  13. Possumpoint

    There are still really cool people out there.

    Oh, please, someone send this to the Hallmark Channel so they can make a Christmas movie. I'm out of tissues, striking paper and paper towels and will have to drive the 30 miles round trip to get more now. That was a beautiful story, Jim. Bless your heart! I take back the I gave you...
  14. Possumpoint

    Anyone up for a christmas (or life time.. ) Project?

    Sign me up, even though I know no other way, since it's how I was brought up.
  15. Possumpoint

    Lord..... What was I thinking??!!

    Quote: and dont forget skiddish.. too.. that is the part that I dont like about them. I've got to start wearing my glasses more often. I thought you posted that they were good for skidding on too. I was thinking maybe you had come up with a new winter sport.....Guinea Pig Skidding! The...
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