Recent content by poupoule

  1. poupoule

    Gravity feed chicken watering?

    Hi all, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I have decided on a new project for my girls (and boys!): a gravity feed chicken waterer. My ideas. I want to collect rain water from the chicken coop into a 44 gallon drum and supply that via a gravity system using nipples/rabbit waterer for on...
  2. poupoule

    Whose job? Mine or the hen???

    Hi there, My silkie hen has been sitting on 5 eggs and 2 hatched into very cute chicks. Now the older one (5 days old) has a dirty bottom. I know it is important for them to have a clean one, so their vent doesn't get blocked, but.... will the hen take care of this? Or would I have to do it...
  3. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    Thanks Bock_Bock and everyone else for all your advices. Really appreciated!!! here my new baby and his brother or sister. I love watching them. I could spend the whole day, if only I haven't had any else to do!
  4. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    I'll give it a go. Really I have nothing to lose. But how long should I wait for? A couple of days or more?
  5. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    What temperature do I need to keep them at? And yes I'll post a photo of second chick very soon.
  6. poupoule

    Building incubator with everyday household items???

    Hi all, I am thinking of building a bator with stuff I can find in the house/garage. I don't have the means to buy equipment so want to use what I can find from home. Does anybody has advice and/or instructions on how to do it? What do I actually need?
  7. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    There's another one!!! Really a little brother or sister. But... now momma left the nest and there are still 3 eggs there. I tried to candle them but it's pretty dark. I can see the air pocket in one (the silkie egg) but not much in the other 2. I haven't hear anything nor see any movement...
  8. poupoule


    Thanks guys! I'm off putting gravels in my water. Hopefully it will work
  9. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    I went to the coop to chck on chick progresses, but .... still nothing I might need to candle the eggs tonight. What should I expect to see, aprt from being all balck? How will I tell if the chicks inside the eggs are still alive? Momma hen is still sitting, very patiently. How long would she...
  10. poupoule


    I have new chicks since yesterday. I would like to know until what age they are in danger of drowning in the water? I'll have to mix them very soon with the rest of the flock, where there is an open bowl of water.
  11. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    Not sure they'll make it to the USA!!! If they do, they'll probably be upside-down
  12. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    Thanks Bock_Bock. For next picture. By the way, how long will it take for the other eggs to hatch? No sign today! But momma hen has not left the nest, so I can't see anything. How much longer should I give the other eggs? It is 24 today. First egg hatched yesterday.
  13. poupoule

    My first lockdown- UPDATE!!!!!- Pictures added

    Congratulations on your babies! Very cute!! I just got one yesterday and am waiting for the other ones to hatch. Soon I hope! Mine are under momma, so can't see what they are up to. By the way, how did you manage to put your photos on the posting. I'd like to do that !!
  14. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    How do you put the image straight on this posting? I think I found it! Let's try.
  15. poupoule

    How long should I let her sit for? Pleeeeease help!!!

    Here we are. I hope it works!
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