Recent content by PrettyPaws29

  1. PrettyPaws29

    New Coop and Run Under Construction!

    Yea even though we don't have them normally, I'm still a bit nervous about that. I'm using underpinning around the bottom of that part that will be buried almost a foot down and it will run up a little over half way high. That should be tall enough to keep out any dogs that might end up running...
  2. PrettyPaws29

    New Coop and Run Under Construction!

    On a whim I decided our spoiled little feathered family members needed a new coop (really 2 new ones) and run area. Well, really it could be me deciding we need to expand the feathered side of the family lol! We're not in any time crunch for it so we're starting with what will be the run area...
  3. PrettyPaws29

    First timer!

    An average laying hen will consume about ¼ pound of feed per day, depending on factors such as size of the bird, weather conditions, and level of productivity. But, you're going to want to make sure that they're on the full feeding method. Full feeding refers to offering a constant supply of...
  4. PrettyPaws29

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    This is ours that's currently being built. Square frame will be the coop and the other is the run area. We're concentrating on getting the run area finished first and then the coop. The babies aren't old enough to be in it full time, over night and all. But they are old enough to spend a good...
  5. 2 weeks old

    2 weeks old

  6. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

  7. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

  8. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

  9. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

  10. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

  11. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

  12. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

  13. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

  14. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

  15. 4 weeks old

    4 weeks old

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