Recent content by Princess_Lay-a

  1. Princess_Lay-a

    Do my chicks need grit?

    This is so helpful. Thank you!! I’m using the wood shaving bedding so I will get some now. I appreciate the explanation!
  2. Princess_Lay-a

    Hey y’all!

    : (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? First time as an adult but i had them all throughout my childhood! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 9 (3) What breeds do you have? Sapphire Gems, Starlight green eggers and a Rhode Island Red (4) What are your...
  3. Princess_Lay-a

    Do my chicks need grit?

    My chicks are roughly a week old and we’re giving them DuMOR 20% chick starter/grower. Do I need to give them chick grit with this as well? Thanks in advance!
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