Recent content by pscbadvr

  1. P

    Pigeons as Pests

    I can try the fake owl but what is a shinny spinner?
  2. P

    Pigeons as Pests

    Hi All, I have had chickens for a few years but still consider myself a newbie since nothing ever seems to happen to my small flock. I found pigeons in m coop several weeks ago and then the girls had Coccidia, which was passed on to my dogs who love to eat the chicken poop. I only found out...
  3. P

    Feed types

    They are up at the crack of dawn and making a huge fuss. I will start your way today and see if that works. Boy will they be pissed....when they are out and my patio door opens, the entire flock comes a flapping and running...quite entertaining.
  4. P

    Review by 'pscbadvr' in article 'Safely Administering Oral Medications to All Poultry and Waterfowl'

    This was a great way of showing exactly how to administer medicine for a chicken. I haven't needed to do it yet and hopefully not for a long time but now I know the correct way, its a huge relief knowing this is out there.
  5. P


    Verm-X can be found on Amazon.. I was just reading about it for the same reason. Is there a specific season for worms..I don't know but it sure seems like it...
  6. P

    Feed types

    I have tried both Pellet and Crumble (which should really be called dust or powder) and I am wondering if there is a way to reduce the waste. I use a hanging feeder for my 7 ladies and no matter which type I put in their feeder, at least 50% ends up on the ground. My current food is Syfrett's...
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    Lavender Orpington Rooster

    A few weeks ago I noticed one of the two of my Lavender Orpington chicks seem to be maturing faster than the other. She/he is much bigger and heavier than the other and it dawned on me it might be a rooster. There has been no crowing and only starts yelling when it is picked up. Online...
  8. P

    Looking for hens

    Hey there, I wanted to let you know that I found the FB page you mentioned and that there were several more. I was quite surprised but just wanted to say thanks again!
  9. P

    Looking for hens

    I have an aunt in Summerfield. Thank you for the information about FB. I am on FB but don't go on much. I will definitely check out the page. I have only had my ladies for a year or so. I have a 6x6x12 walk in pen for them with a roofed over hen house/nesting area (4x4) raised 2 ft off the...
  10. P

    Looking for hens

    Thank you!, I honestly didn't think of CL for that. but I checked and did find some.
  11. P

    Looking for hens

    Hi All, I am in Merritt Island Florida and I am looking to add to my existing flock. Not many places actually have hens in stock just baby chicks and I was wondering If anyone on this site is local and would know where else I can go. The farm & feed stores are out and so are a lot of the...
  12. P

    8 months old and not laying

    Hi everyone, I am new to raising chickens. I have a 6x6x12 coop/run and starting with 3 chickens 3 RR and Plymouth Rock. They are all approximately 7 to 8 months old. 2 ( 1 RR and BR) have started laying and the 2nd Red hasn't laid any eggs. she will sometimes sit in the nesting box box...
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